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Definition of Internet Privacy - Term Paper Example

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This paper discusses internet privacy which is concerned with how well personal data is handled and maintained on the internet. The paper analyses the case, when most companies do not furnish the user with in-depth regulations and guidelines about their user policy and this, is a challenge…
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Definition of Internet Privacy
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Internet Privacy Internet privacy is concerned with the how well personal data is handled and maintained on the internet. With the frequency with which internet users exchange and post personal information online, individuals are very concerned with how their information is handled by the handling firms. One major fallacy about internet privacy is that users take it for granted that they have control over their private information that is posted online. The issue of how important data like credit card accounts, account passwords and online financial activities are handled is a major digital marketing trend.

Most companies do not furnish the user with in-depth regulations and guidelines about their user policy and this is a challenge. Another privacy concern that plagues digital marketing is about how observation of consumer behavior, data mining and target advertisements based on the information collected about the internet user. Online marketers should consider the issue of user privacy when sending marketing emails. Online marketers run the risk of sending unsolicited emails or frequent spamming which offends the consumers.

Use of web cookies to track how users use the internet, which sites they visit more often and their searches is an area of concern. Marketing firms use information from web cookies to make user specific target ads. Cookies are not only accessible to marketers but also to third party data handlers and this is an obstacle to gaining internet privacy. Marketing firms are therefore encouraged to respect user privacy and me more transparent. Works Cited DBS Interactive. Online Privacy and Digital Marketing. 2014. Consumer Power In the current digital world, the relationship between service providers and consumers has been redefined completely.

This has led to more pressure on companies to offer better services and customer support in order to avoid the wrath of consumers online. Due to the rise of social media and the hefty numbers involved, users are quick to voice their concerns about shortcomings of a product or service online. Such complaints could go viral and this could lead to embarrassment on the part of the firm and cultivation of a bad reputation with consumers. It is therefore paramount that business entities do not get on the wrong side of the internet community especially social media users.

Internet are constantly raising standards and the firm has to keep up. Gone are the days when consumer ignorance was rampant. Consumers will know about product deficiencies and they will certainly spread that information. The solution to the upsurge of consumer power is for companies to have a reliable and efficient online presence in social media sites such as Facebook, Google+, Twitter and social networks. Social media executives should be able to offer customer care, product support and tackle negative comments and criticism online.

Marketers should also come up with creative and informative online campaigns that aim to interact with the consumer and gain valuable marketing data. Companies should also have clear and well defined online marketing strategies that are consumer-centric. Works Cited The Economist. Consumer Power: Power at Last. 2014. E-Commerce Electronic commerce is a type of business transaction that involves transfer of information digitally. E-commerce has been growing exponentially in the recent years.

Users are attracted by the ability to source for the cheapest goods or services, convenience because they can shop from anywhere on the globe and the wide range of products available. E-commerce ranges from transactions between businesses, businesses and consumers and also consumers to consumers. The major focus from marketers is the business to consumer segment. Most companies have set up their financial systems to accommodate consumers who prefer to shop online. Companies like Amazon and eBay have built large financial empires on the backbone of e-commerce.

E-commerce is a major challenge for marketers as consumers have sufficient information and are able to search for the cheapest products. Companies should partner with efficient logistics managers to deliver the purchased products on time and in perfect condition. Marketers have to come up with strategies on how to package their products to attract consumers because all the power has shifted to the consumer. Companies must invest in secure internet security systems to ensure that user data is safe and is not accessible to unauthorized parties.

Companies should also monitor consumer trends and behavior in order to understand the nature of the online market and thus suitably adapt to meet consumer requirements. Consumers should also maintain their in-store market stake shifting online faces many challenges. Works Cited Forbes. 12 E-commerce Strategies to Grow Your Business. 2014. Digital Advertising Digital advertising is the placement of ads on the digital platforms such as websites, social media sites, games, apps, mobile phones and tablets.

Social media marketing is a type of internet marketing that involves using social media sites to increase web traffic and online attention. It comprises creating imaginative and catchy content such as pictures and videos and that will attract social media users to share with other users. Most popular social media sites include Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, YouTube, Google+ and Pinterest. Companies can pay to have advertisements placed on various websites. The adverts can be viewed by the user whenever they visit the site and have the option of clicking on them and being directed to the relevant site.

Mobile marketing is a method of marketing that involves creating content aimed at users with mobile devices. Mobile phones are the most common communication devices in the world with a reach of over 5 million people. Mobile phone owners use their phones to access websites, read blogs, shop, listen to music, watch videos and read eBooks. This becomes a very lucrative target area for marketers. Marketers can optimize mobile marketing by creating websites supported by mobile phones and creating short catchy content such as videos and images.

In-game adverts are placed in computer games, video games mobile phone games. Adverts are placed strategically within games such as with billboards or as part of the game. Digital marketing increases brand awareness, minimizes marketing costs, offering customers with information and higher rates of conversion. Works Cited Outbrain. 5 Best New Marketing Tools and Techniques. 2014. .

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