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How the Social Meb Will Influence Search, Boost Brands and Improve Content - Assignment Example

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The author of the following paper "How the Social Meb Will Influence Search, Boost Brands and Improve Content" will attempt to explore and present the role of social media and search advertising in modern business development and social media utilization…
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How the Social Meb Will Influence Search, Boost Brands and Improve Content
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There are a number of issues that Cliff outlines as the synergistic effects of social and search advertising. The first effect is an increase in revenue for a company if it utilizes the opportunities presented by social and search advertising. The other effect is the boost in presence of a given company. Social media and search advertising boosts the visibility of the advertised entity.

The possibility that social media and search advertising will target individual users creates a reverb effect on the intended consumer thereby attracting them to the product (Clift, 2011). It is also a potential source of spam content. This can also be seen as a synergistic effect of social media and search engines.
Chow believes that the revenue generated from social media can be a vital component of the development of search advertising. The content accumulated from social media can be used to increase individual presence which translates to an increase in competitive queries which have the potential of improving the standing of search advertising.

Chow also believes that the same content can be used as a link to a search advertising avenue where prospective consumers can be reached. These will in turn improve the search advertising platform.

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