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Coca-Cola Company Internationalization - Example

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The paper "Coca-Cola Company Internationalization " is an outstanding example of a business plan. Globalization and internationalization are the key approaches that are implemented by multinational enterprises to achieve maximum return on their investments. This helps to create value for the stakeholders as well since the expectations of the stakeholders will be met…
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Download file to see previous pages The paper "Coca-Cola Company Internationalization " is an outstanding example of a business plan. Globalization and internationalization are the key approaches that are implemented by multinational enterprises to achieve maximum return on their investments. This helps to create value for the stakeholders as well since the expectations of the stakeholders will be met. Technology and infrastructure are the key drivers of globalization and internationalization. There are various benefits which are associated with globalization and internationalization. For instance, globalization and organization are able to increase the market share as well as the sales leading to improved productivity of the company. As a result of this, companies are contemplating how they can exploit the unexploited opportunities in the global market (Saylor Foundation 2013). Due to competition in the domestic market and the desire to be global market leaders, organizations are entering into the global market not only to improve the reputation of the company but also to improve the performance of the organization. In this regard, therefore, this research plan aims to find out the key success to the internationalization plan by Coca Cola Company in entering the Myanmar market.

Coca-Cola Company is a multinational enterprise that operates in the global market and has a good brand. The company operates under the beverage industry and it was founded in the year 1886. Coca-Cola Company operates in more than 200 countries and in this effect it has a global reputation (Saylor Foundation 2013). Due to the internationalization image, the company was selected as one of the best performing global companies. The success of the company is dependent on the business model which the management applied to create a competitive advantage. According to the statistics in the year 2013, the company had a net income of US dollars 8.584 billion, while the total assets amounted to US dollars 90.055 billion the same. Moreover, the number of employees in the same year 2013 was 130,600 employees operating in all the countries.

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Coca-Cola Company Internationalization Business Plan Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 7750 words.
(Coca-Cola Company Internationalization Business Plan Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 7750 Words)
Coca-Cola Company Internationalization Business Plan Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 7750 Words.
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