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(A BIG CITY) traffic congestion - Term Paper Example

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Traffic congestion is the delay of vehicles within the road vehicles. The congestion in a country usually depends on the number of people in a country and the road network…
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(A BIG CITY) traffic congestion
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In cases where the traffic congestion proves to be a major liability, the government then has to come in and devise a strategy that will reduce the traffic congestion within the city or country. In some cities, their governments have done a remarkable job in reducing traffic congestion in their cities. It would be great if there were a situation where the government succeeded in dealing with this problem of traffic congestion. Unfortunately, there is still work to be done in other major cities.

A good example of a city that still has traffic congestion problems is Los Angeles in the United States. The city of Los Angeles is one of the major cities in the world that is experiencing traffic congestion. With most people going to work by vehicles, the traffic congestion for most individuals leads to a loss of about 59 hours per year t commuters as they sit in traffic. It was mainly because of industrialization and development in this region, which led to many people migrating to Los Angeles.

These factors created job opportunities for many people as well as a chance to live in a progressing area. People wanted to move closer to work, which led to the existence of a large population in Los Angeles. Most of the trips made along this area have a lot to do with work. For most people, they find it more convenient to own a personal vehicle, which will enable them have the luxury and comfort of driving themselves to work or wherever they are needed. It however also includes women who are going for shopping or dropping off their children at daycares.

As a result, just about everyone in this city is affected by the traffic congestion conditions surrounding them. As a result of this severe condition of traffic congestion in Los Angeles, there are several methods of reducing the severity of the situation. These include the government and the occupants of this major city. The government can revisit the structure of the road systems in Los Angeles and develop a different

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(“(A BIG CITY) traffic congestion Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words”, n.d.)
(A BIG CITY) traffic congestion Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words. Retrieved from
((A BIG CITY) Traffic Congestion Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 Words)
(A BIG CITY) Traffic Congestion Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 Words.
“(A BIG CITY) Traffic Congestion Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 Words”, n.d.
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