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Discussion Questions - About Outsourcing - Article Example

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From the summary, it is evident that the organization applied a strategy that aimed at capturing the core competence’s niche market, as well as serving the big companies’ little needs (Samarpan, 13). The fact that the organization based its considerations on the small…
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Discussion Questions - About Outsourcing
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Due Navigant Tech How much do you think that this organization’s success is related to core competence versus their innovative strategy of not using pseudo names or fake accents? From the summary, it is evident that the organization applied a strategy that aimed at capturing the core competence’s niche market, as well as serving the big companies’ little needs (Samarpan, 13). The fact that the organization based its considerations on the small projects that bigger organizations would be reluctant to take shows how it tirelessly toiled towards its target.

Another reason would be that the organization took up the risk of looking for skilled personnel that would assist towards achieving the targeted competences (Samarpan, 24). It would be an expensive but wise idea that proved to be successful. The case clearly shows that the organization exploited the demands of the industry by serving as a niche player in the provision of specific core competences’ services. The success of the company can therefore be linked to the ability to provide services that are specifically to the core competences in contrast to their ability of not using fake accents and pseudo names.

This case is so because the organization seemed to have avoided risks by applying a method of service provision that other big companies could not venture into.Do you think that other BPO organizations should adopt these strategies and make it common? Why or why not? It would not be wise for other BPO organizations to adopt the strategy of the company, as well as making them common. The reason behind this notion is that the strategy was developed by one organization in the industry, with the sole aim of capturing the core competences of the niche market.

The fact that the strategy required a number of skilled personnel would rule out the urge for other companies to try developing the idea (Samarpan, 25). Such an idea would prove to add extra operational costs that some of the BPOs would not like to incur. Works CitedSamarpan Dutta,. “Navigant Tech: Ankur Bhatia sets new standards in global outsourcing with Rs 12 crore venture.” The Economic Times. The Economic Times, 14 July 2014. Web. 14 July 2014.

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