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Critical Evaluation of the Accenture on the Innovation Death Spiral - Article Example

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 This essay discusses innovation at IBM limited. Features of an innovative business model that might be used to save an organization: Market evaluation, developing of the strategic plan of action, leadership development, and empowerment, creating proper networks with customers, consulting widely…
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Critical Evaluation of the Accenture on the Innovation Death Spiral Ways to track innovation in IBM limited Innovation entails the process of establishing more efficient and effective ways of doing things creatively. Innovation may be tracked via creating and implementing new idea into practice. This may help to create necessary improvements and increase organisation productivity. Innovation at IBM limited may be tracked via identifying changes on its business models used. Some of the most common features of an innovative business model that might be used to save an organisation from include: Market evaluation, developing of strategic plan of action, leadership development and empowerment, creating proper networks with customers and finally consulting widely (World Bank, 2010). Market evaluation at IBM limited may involve looking critically into the business environment to identify the needs and wants of the customers and come up with proper ways to meet the identified needs. It may further involve empowering employees through various methods such as providing them with train programs. Innovation may also be tracked by identifying whether the company is able to provide its employees with necessary motivation to ensure necessary job get done as intended (Bessant and Tidd, 2013). Innovation at IBM limited may also be tracked via identifying the ability of the company to establish proper networks with customers, suppliers and all stake holders. This means that for IBM limited to be successful it must be in opposition to establish clear communication networks. The networks may help to collect information regarding the market demand and look forward on how the identified needs could be met in a more effective and efficient manner. Finally innovation may be tracked via continuous search for the necessary advice that may help to keep the IBM limited from moving forward. This means that strong leadership may be required to lead others towards channelling their efforts in realizing organisation goals and objectives (Adair, 2009). Approaches to prevent a move into the death spiral in IBM Limited The three most important approaches may be used to prevent IBM limited from moving towards the death spiral such approaches include; break through, platform and incremental innovations. Break through innovation approach may be suitable for IBM limited given that it is a large organisation that has large capital investments. This approach has been proved to be successful at Apple Company on it’s I pad brand. The second type of innovative approach that may be applied by IBM Limited may involve platform innovation. In this approach IBM limited should strive to have large market share through delivering superior value to its customers. It basically involves communicating the best value that can be obtained by the customers. One of the relevant example of such innovation include coca Collar Company through its coke zero brand. The company was able to deliver the best value to its customers. This in turn helped to increase its market share. The third approach that might be used by IMB limited to deliver it from the death spiral include; incremental innovation. This type of innovation may be suitable to an organisation that does not have adequate resources that may be applied to increase its market share. The main goals/objectives of this approach is to maintain the current position of the firm in the market (Koetzier, Kristensen and Alon, 2011). Measures that can be put into place to help IBM limited out of the innovation death spiral. This may involve Steps that may be applied to deliver IBM limited out of the innovation death spiral. Among the six steps that may be followed include; defining the top levels roles in the innovation process. This means that for an innovation to be successful there must be a strong leadership in place that help to channels the efforts towards the required/intended direction. Under this stage it is important to for the top leadership to carry out the right activities as well as understand how the right activity may be carried out. This means that IBM limited should go for ventures that tend to balance risk and returns rather than those that tend to expose it to substantial risk. The second step measure may involve developing innovation strategies that have a strong correlation with IBM strategies. The third and the forth step may involve doing the correct thing at the right time as well as doing the correct thing correctly. This help to ensure that an innovation has been successfully realized as intended. The forth step involves removing inefficiency and lastly ensuring that there is continuous measure of performance in order to carryout out necessary improvements where necessary. Additionally, IBM limited to pull out of the death spiral via Accenture engines. This engine comprises of three major phases namely; discovering, execution and commercialization. This engine may help towards venturing in the most viable portfolios that offer great returns (Itami, 2010). Advantages and disadvantages of the approaches used to deliver IBM limited from Death spiral The above discussed approaches are advantageous to an organisation in numerous ways. For example, they may help IBM limited not only to pull out of the death spiral as well at to remain creative, innovative and competitive firm in the technological industry. Further, the approaches help to avert risk and increase returns obtained by the company. In addition it leads to an increase in performance and further encourages proper coordination between the company and all its stake holders within its operating networks. On the other hand, the above approaches tend to have some disadvantages. For example, the approached discussed may require higher implementation cost. Further, the approaches discussed may to applicable to all organisations and therefore it may require the company to use substantial resources in research and development to identify the most suitable approaches. The approaches may expose the organisation to substantial risk which may jeopardize business operations. Reference List Adair, J. (2009). Leadership for innovation: How to organize team creativity and harvest ideas. London: Kogan Page. Bessant, J., and Tidd, J. (2013). Managing innovation: Integrating technological, market and organizational change. Hoboken, N.J: Wiley. Bessant, J. R., and Tidd, J. (2008). Innovation and entrepreneurship. Chichester (England: J. Wiley. Itami, H. (2010). Dynamics of knowledge, corporate systems and innovation. Heidelberg: Springer. Koetzier.W, Kristensen.S. and Alon.A. (2011). The Innovation Death Spiral. Retrieved : World Bank. (2010). Innovation policy: A guide for developing countries. Washington, D.C: World Bank. Read More
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