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The Background and Development of Theoretical Ethical Approach - Essay Example

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The paper "The Background and Development of Theoretical Ethical Approach" discusses the way people think about defining what is right and what is wrong. These debates led to numerous debates about which of the different views and ideas is the best and most appropriate for people and society…
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The Background and Development of Theoretical Ethical Approach
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“It is often said that deontologists unlike consequentialists believe that there are certain acts that are wrong in themselves” (Lippert-Rasmussen, 2010: p15). In other words, deontology indicates that there are things that are inherently right and things that are inherently wrong. One does not need to question why they are so. One must just do it because that is the right thing to do. There are no debates about it.

            Thus, a distinction is made between deontology and consequentialist philosophy on the grounds that consequentialists mainly examine the bigger picture of the results of a given activity or process. Hence, they evaluate the consequences and the impact of a given activity or process. However, deontology differs significantly because it supports the position that things are inherently either bad or good. And a person must choose one and not question it.

            Basford and Selvin commented in deontology and stated that “... they are ethics of duty and principle as they relate to what is intrinsically good, they are often seen as encompassing virtue ethics” (2012, p215). This implies that deontology supports the idea that doing what is right is a duty. And it is inherently so because some higher power or authority requires what is written in a strict and prescribed format. Hence, there is no room for negotiation and compromise.

            Deontology forms a class of absolute ethics – and it must be done irrespective of the circumstances or the situation at hand (Kelly and Magill, 2009). People must do what is required and prescribed and there is no need to examine or factor in the consequences of the action. If it is right, it must be done. If it is wrong, it must not be done. This is a form of an ethic based on moral obligation and it is determined by principles and ideas (Hitchcock et al, 2012).

            Teleological ethics, on the other hand, are consequentialist ethics that are based on the results of a person's actions in a moral or ethical dilemma (Maffettone, 2010). In this case, what is “good” is defined by the circumstances at hand? In effect, there is no definition of right and wrong. 

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