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Customer Service Representative Policy - Assignment Example

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This paper "Customer Service Representative Policy" focuses on the customer care representatives who are the first employees to orient clients to the business and thus the welcome they give to the clients will determine whether the business will be able to retain and expand their clientele. …
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Customer Service Representative Policy
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Customer Service Representative Policy The success or failure of the hospitality business is greatly determined by the quality of services employees’ offers to its clients (Kahle & Riley 2004). Customer care representatives are the first employees to orient clients to the business and thus the welcome they give to the clients will determine whether the business will be able to retain and expand their clientele or lose its clients to the rivals. Clients anticipate receiving a warm welcome from the employees and continue to receive excellent services conveniently (John 2003, p. 36) Customer care representatives should ensure they offer clients beyond their anticipations if they intend to retain them in the business and continue to enjoy greater returns in the business. Therefore, customer care representatives should establish close ties with clients in order to promote customer loyalty to the company. Managers should establish a policy of providing training to the customer care representatives in order to ensure excellent services and products to their clients. The customer service representatives in the hospitality industry should promote unity at work in order to ensure excellent delivery of services to their clients (Kahle & Riley 2004). This is because when employees work together as a team, they will be able to solve any issue that may be affecting their clients, and also instill confidence in the visitors hence promoting customer loyalty. The business policy should ensure that all needs of the clients are giving priority before anything else. The management should train their customer care staff to take into consideration all the issues raised by the clients no matter how petty they seem to be. This will not only make clients to feel appreciated but will also make them get more than what they anticipated. Failure to provide clients with products and services that suit their specifications will cause them to seek the same elsewhere (Kitchen & Pelsmacker 2004). In addition, customer care representatives should ensure that clients perceive the organization to be what it claims to be. They should inquire from the clients about the nature of services and products they expect to get from the company and also ask them to suggest what they would like to be included in the products and services in order to satisfy their needs. The customer service policy should state the objectives of the customer service. The customer care should offer excellent services to their clients and respond to their requests promptly (Barry 2007). The policy should offer opportunity for training the customer care representatives and define the approach for rewarding them based on the effort they put to serve the clients. The policy should set values that determine what the company intends to achieve. The values should target to provide better services to the clients than what the rivals offer. The customer service policy should be in line with the mission of the company. This will enable the customer care representatives to achieve both company’s mission as well as policy requirements (Barry 2007). This ensures that accomplishments of customer service objectives contribute towards attaining the success of the company. The policy should specify the approach through which customer care will interacting with the clients in order to establish what clients need and how to provide it effectively. The policy should stipulate communication channel such as use of emails, telephone calls or use of online messaging. Training customer care about the customer care policy is essential because it will ensure that the company is able to provide uniform services to the clients (Kitchen & Pelsmacker 2004). This is essential because it will enable the company to achieve its goals and compete effectively with their rivals. The policy should provide opportunity for reviewing company’s principles from time to time in accordance with the emerging needs of the clients. Therefore, for a company to remain competitive, customer care representatives should be trained to identify target clients and strategize on what they intend to serve them satisfactorily (Ulysses & Rul 2008). This will enable them to suggest what their clients anticipate and devise means of providing products and services that will satisfy them. Customer care should learn what their clients want and ensure the offer beyond customer anticipations. For example, some restaurants in United Kingdom restaurants take records of their guests and what they desire (Barry 2007). Therefore, whenever the client makes a booking in the restaurant, customer care attendants ensures that their rooms are fitted with all what their clients like. This makes clients happy and desires to visit the restaurant even another day. Since clients come from a diversified background and have a different temperament, customer care assistants should be able to distinguish moral values, treat their clients with impartiality, trust and respect (John 2003, p.56). This will enable them to retain clients and continue to attract more in the business. Task 2: Customer requirement and expectation: Horatio Todd's Bar & Restaurant in Ireland UK The hospitality industry has become so competitive in the modern society hence for a business to maintain and attract more clients, they should make sure they offer much more than what clients anticipates (Inghilleri & Solomon 2010, p. 37). Apart from delivering the products and services that client’s desire, management should also ensure a friendly atmosphere with the clients in order to understand their needs and design products in the way clients want. Horatio Todd's Bar & Restaurant was offering excellent meals and had the best facilities for their clients. However, the staff had a problem with handling their clients. For example, in one occasion a client misplaced his jacket in the restaurant, but the staff members did not help him to trace his jacket. They dismissed the request and claimed that it was usual for people to lose their items in bars and restaurants. Due to poor customer services, the restaurant could not maintain clients hence it had to close its operations (Inghilleri & Solomon 2010). In this instance the problem was not the products, but the customer services. The owner of the restaurant should have trained the staff on how to handle clients effectively in order to retain them (Erlbaum 2003). This would enable the business to continue existing and increasing its client’s base. The customer care representatives should respond to the requests of the clients promptly and treat them with love and respect. They should also purpose to assist their clients to handle personal issues in order to win customer trust.   List of References Barry, O 2007, Culinary Imagination: The Essential Ingredient in Food and Beverage Management, Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management, Vol. 14 (1) Erlbaum, L 2003, Corporate Hospitality: How Client Events Prove Their Worth, Magazine Article from Marketing Inghilleri, L & Solomon, M 2010, Exceptional Service, Exceptional Profit: The Secrets of Building a Five-Star Customer Service Organization, American Management Association, New York, Pp23-68 John, J 2003, Fundamentals of Customer-Focused Management: Competing Through Service, Praeger, Westport, CT. pp. 12-97 Kahle, L, R & Riley, C 2004, Sports Marketing and the Psychology of Marketing, Communication Associates, Mahwah, NJ. pp. 132-198 Kitchen P, J & Pelsmacker, D, P 2004, Integrated Marketing Communications: A Primer Integrated Marketing Communications: Routledge, London. Pp. 34-87 Ulysses, B, J & Rul, B 2008, Services Marketing: The Mediating Role of Customer Satisfaction in the Hair Care Industry, Academy of Marketing Studies Journal, Vol. 12 (1) Read More
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