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Consumer Behaviour in UK and China Automobile Industry - Dissertation Example

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This dissertation under the title "Consumer Behaviour in the UK and China Automobile Industry" explores the issue of consumer behavior. It is mentioned here that the consumer behavior is an important and interesting area of study for markets as well as for academic research purposes. …
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Consumer Behaviour in UK and China Automobile Industry
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These five questions are very important as it covers all major areas for studying consumer behaviors. In order to cater to those five questions, this paper has presented and discussed important sections like literature review, primary research and secondary research. The literature review has presented an important theoretical background to understand the mechanism of consumer behavior. The primary research has obtained important data for identifying the prevailing consumers’ behaviors and secondary research has provided the factual data to link with the primary data.

The gathered primary data has disclosed major trends in consumer behavior in car markets of the UK and on the Chinese people. These primary data are also discussed and analyzed in the light of the given theoretical background and secondary data. The output of the primary data analyses has supported the consumer behavioral theories and secondary data. As per the discussions based on literature review, primary and secondary data, this paper is able to cater to the five pre-defined research questions.

The consumer behavior in the automobile industry of China and UK is influenced by a number of factors like culture, economic condition, brand, quality, price etc and these factors vary as per the national culture and system of the two countries. The successful automobile companies presented in both countries are able to differentiate and identify the multiple factors influencing the consumer buying behavior. The cultural paradigm of different markets like China and Britain reflect significant impacts on the purchasing behavior of cars and domestic vehicles.

The main aim of the paper revolves around understanding the reasons or factors which bring about cultural changes and thereby affect the demand for cars in the two markets. 

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