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Management and Organisational Behaviour - Essay Example

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Management & Organisational Behaviour Introduction J.J.Meyers Co, a confectionary firm, grew from a small setup to a large company with more than 150 employees. Effective leadership of Jerry Meyers, highly motivated workforce, efficient work systems, superior product quality were the ingredients of success until the company was taken over by his son, Peter Meyers, with experience of working as marketing manager at another firm…
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Management and Organisational Behaviour
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Change strategy: For any form of organisational change to be successful, it requires motivation for change, a clear vision, political support, a phased transition, and sustenance of momentum (Cummings & Worley, 1995). Peter Meyers did not involve existing management team either in the decision or in the process. He did not even take their suggestion on any of the decisions related to the new product development. Secondly, his decision to select ingredients from cheaper providers resulted in low-quality production as well as issues in operations such as increased wastage, re-work, and spoilage in equipment; this was completely against its high-quality products with attractive packaging sold at affordable prices made from reasonably good quality raw materials.

The transition of introducing new products was not phased and not tuned with existing product-quality; moreover, the new products were made from low-quality material, which further affected brand image of J.J.Meyers Co. The methodology adopted for cutting costs actually increased costs as well as caused huge losses in the form of wastage, rework and unusable machinery, equipment and materials. In addition, low-quality products lowered sales of other products of J.J. . Political support, as coined by Cummings and Worley (2008) is about power, trust, and ownership.

When people are empowered to make critical decisions, they develop ownership towards their responsibilities. In the case of J.J. Meyers, power was exercised by some at the top in the form of abuse, ranting, cursing, and showing authority. For change to be effective power must be shifted across management levels, which did not happen at J.J. Meyers; instead, all power and authority was concentrated at one or two points. When power was shifted, it was done to replace people with inappropriate experience.

In total, power was not aligned in the right manner and credible managers were not empowered at all. Leadership: Peter Meyers taking over as the CEO itself was a huge change at J.J.Meyers Co because of his leadership style. Leadership plays more crucial role in the success of an organisation than any other aspect. During any change, the actual struggle of management comes in the form of recovery, revitalization and recommitment (Bunker & Wakefield, 2005). This means leadership is equally important for the business as much as the change is.

Only with effective leadership, change can be introduced in a manner that will sustain the business and improve employees’ enthusiasm and commitment. Peter’s actions and decisions were mostly against effective leadership because his actions did not encourage employee involvement; his actions lacked compassion but depicted greed; his actions failed to recognize employees’ commitment and credibility in multiple ways. Peter did not consult the key members of the business that possessed good experience and had high commitment towards the company. Both head

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