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'But I'm a Cheerleader'Film Review - Essay Example

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The main character is basically an All-American girl who has a boyfriend. However, she has pictures of girls hanging in her locker and she does…
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But Im a CheerleaderFilm Review
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13 December “But I’m a Cheerleader” Journal In the movie, “But I’m a Cheerleader,” the movie kind of uses humorto discuss lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender topics. The main character is basically an All-American girl who has a boyfriend. However, she has pictures of girls hanging in her locker and she does not really like to kiss her boyfriend. She also is a little touchy-feely with her cheer squad mates. All of Megan’s behaviors makes her family and peers wonder if she is a lesbian.

The response her parents have is that she is basically sexually misguided and though there are no villains or anything, the parents treat it a bit like it is a mental illness that they can just cure. So they send her off to a camp so that she can learn to be straight. The peers she meets there are mostly without a doubt homosexuals so she is a bit of an outcast compared to their behaviors. Many of them play the stereotype that people have of people who are part of the LGBT community while Megan does not.

At camp, they are all people thrown in one culture as a community, sent to this camp to set them all straight which, as we know now, is ridiculous. The film style is one of those that is really exaggerated in terms of roles. The woman who runs the camp is very girly and wears bright pink. The use of blue and pink in the uniforms are a symbolic that girls are supposed to ‘act’ girly and boys are supposed to be ‘manly.’

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