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Analyze & compare works of are -what you are proud of - Essay Example

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The Annunciation is a piece of artwork from the Renaissance Florence, by Masolino da Panicale, representing Angel Gabriel giving a message to Mary, regarding the birth of Jesus1. This piece of artwork is defined by foreshortening, which makes the picture appear shorter than it…
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Analyze & compare works of are -what you are proud of
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Florence vs. Venice Renaissance art Activity The Annunciation is a piece of artwork from the Renaissance Florence, by Masolino daPanicale, representing Angel Gabriel giving a message to Mary, regarding the birth of Jesus1. This piece of artwork is defined by foreshortening, which makes the picture appear shorter than it is really is, while the details of the picture composition seem to be forming a linear perspective back in the horizon background of the picture painting. The AnnunciationOn the other hand, Madonna and Child is a piece of artwork by Antonello da Messina that represents the Venice Renaissance, presenting a mother and a child2.

The striking characteristic of this painting is that it is a symbol of elegance, characterized by its high ability to capture and reflect lights. The colour schemes of the painting are also wholesomely expressive, bringing the image in the front and shaping the background more dull, to ensure every single detail of the painting is observable. Madonna and ChildReflection What I am proud of from the activity is the fact that I have been able to differentiate the aspects of the two; Venice and Florence Renaissance artistic representations.

From the activity, I learnt that; despite the use of the same material in painting, for example the use of oil canvas in both the above paintings, the nature of the visibility of the pieces of artwork can be different. Distinguishing the elements that makes the two paintings appear visibly different was the main challenge, but what I clearly understood is that the application of the colouring scheme and the foreshortening aspect makes the visibility aspect of the paintings different. The visibility concept is important to understand, because it is the essence of differentiating one art work from the other.

Bibliography1. Panicale, Masolino da, Annunciation. National Gallery of Art, 1937. n.p. 2. Messina, Antonello da, Madonna and Child. National Gallery of Art, 1937. n.p.

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