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A Comparison of the Characterization of Sherlock Holmes - Essay Example

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This article will contrast the characterization of Sherlock Holmes in the Scarlett letter novel, the movie Sherlock Holmes (Robert Downey Jr) and the show Sherlock (Benedict Cumberbatch). …
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A Comparison of the Characterization of Sherlock Holmes
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College A Comparison of the Characterization of Sherlock Holmes in the Novel the Scarlett Letter, the Movie Sherlock Holmes and the Show Sherlock Sherlock Holmes is the most prominent creation of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. Since Holmes’s first fictional appearance in 1887, he has become the model of the amateur private detective. Although Sherlock Holmes is not one of the first private detectives who came into the fiction world, the fame he attained after his literary origin dwarfed his fictional ancestors and started his way to eternity.

Together with his friend Dr. Watson, they have frequently appeared in all sorts of literature, movies and TV series. This article will contrast the characterization of Sherlock Holmes in the Scarlett letter novel, the movie Sherlock Holmes (Robert Downey Jr) and the show Sherlock (Benedict Cumberbatch). In the novel, Sherlock Holmes is a fictional detective of the early 20th centuries, who first made is appearance in publication in 1887. He was developed by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. A bright and intelligent London-based detective, Holmes is prominent for his ability at using judgment and wisdom observation to solve cases.

He is perhaps the most famous fictional detective. He is knowledgeable, that is, in literature, politics, botany, geology, chemistry and anatomy. He is also an expert in boxing, swords and a singlestick player. He is a musician as plays the violin well and has a good realistic acquaintance of British law. Benedict Cumberbatch is an English television film, theatre and voice artist who plays the Sherlock Holmes in role in Sherlock. One of the major changes in the Sherlock’s over the years is the look.

Benedict Cumberbatch has a much modern sense to his look, while keeping to the unique feel of Sherlock. He puts on a big coat every time the time and is at all times professionally clad, aside from the chapter when he makes a decision that a sheet is the best outfit for the day. They keep stay away from the old styled hat, large oversized coat, and piped trouser that Sherlock always had in past years. Sherlock has the art of assumption, and of course is still used as the big talent of Holmes, but in this contemporary BBC version, because of technological advancements they slow down scenes in a slow motion and it enables the audience to deduct with Sherlock (Owens, 2008).

The movie is mostly about of magic but Sherlock Holmes demoralizes its existence. Generally, in movies that display magic, the most significant thing is who is stronger than the other and who is able to win the war. But in Sherlock Holmes (Robert Downey Jr.) Holmes and his partner Dr. John Watson are quite sure that magic doesn’t prevail and they fight in opposition to it by their brains. He knows hes the most intelligent smartest man in the room, and he wants you the audience to know it too.

Hes rude, extraterrestrial, a little dangerous and occasionally cruel to those around him. He is seen as strange, active, intelligent, and emotional. Holmes is delighted with his invention and self-confidence about its importance and supposed success and is persuasively imminent about his own failures. He is also tricky because he tricks Blackwood into being tangled in the chains while he explains the practical trickery behind Blackwoods hypothetical magic. In the movie, the novel and the show, Sherlock Holmes is character is portrayed differently and similarly.

Similarities: In the novel and in the movie, Sherlock Holmes is a detective; he is brilliant and intelligent, and very knowledgeable. Differences: In the novel, Sherlock Holmes is portrayed as a musician because he plays the violin so well, he his knowledgeable in many fields like literature, politics, botany, geology, chemistry, British law and anatomy. He is also an expert in boxing; he is a swordsman and a singlestick player. In the movie Sherlock Holmes (Robert Downey) he is portrayed differently as rude, dangerous, emotional and tricky.

The main difference in the show Sherlock (Benedict Cumberbatch) is the mode of dressing because he puts on a big coat every time the time and is at all times professionally clad, and he sometimes stays away from the old styled hat, large oversized coat, and piped trouser that he has always had in past years. The other difference is that he possesses the art of assumption.

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