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International Relations Network - Essay Example

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In the essay “International Relations Network” the author looks at the network as a concept, which is of great significance today. According to sociologists and anthropologists, the term network is used to describe a group or individuals in which one interacts on a regular basis…
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International Relations Network
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Defining terrorism is difficult as the motives, methods, and targets of terrorism differ greatly from group to group and case to case. However, in common terms, terrorism is the systematic use of powerful terrorization mostly for achieving political, religious, linguistic, racial, ethnical, or ideological motives. Also, it involves a lot of complexity since understanding the commonness in each category is also almost impossible. Most of the disparity in defining terrorism lies in describing terrorist motivations.

As an attempt to solve this, several definitions are tried by specifically addressing the motives of terrorist groups2. 3. Uncivil networks are the result of governmental failure with regard to political equality or equality of influence in the political process; social equality or equality in wealth, education, and social status; equality of opportunity or equality in chances for success; and equality of outcome. The power of uncivil networks was proved in 1996, where such uncivil networks attained several successes in every endeavor involved by them like human rights, terror, transnational crime, and insurgency3. 4. Human trafficking is a serious crime in which people are deceived, sold, and exploited for forced labor, sexual exploitation, domestic servitude, street crime, organ sale, or human sacrifice.

Several men, women, or children are exploited by traffickers from their own country or abroad. Human trafficking is a serious violation of human rights. Most of the countries have begun their fight against human trafficking. Recently, USA’s secretary of state John Kerry has stated from annual trafficking in persons (TIP) report that around 46000 victims of human trafficking are exposed to the world. Though, it is expected that around 27 million people are enslaved by the traffickers4. 5.

Today stronger arms control norms do not exist, and there are widespread misuse and proliferation of small arms and weapons. Firstly, small arms have legitimate uses with respect to policing, sport shooting, and national defense. Thus it is impossible to limit its legal trade or ban the use of weapons. Secondly, they are available in vast numbers of around 875 million and there is a large number of weapon producers throughout the world5. Some of the countries are opposed to controlling the legal trade of weapons.

Also, there is no consistent data or reports regarding the transfer of small arms. Finally, small arms being light are easily portable and difficult to detect.

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International Relations Network Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words.
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International Relations Network Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 Words.
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