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Commitment, a Weapon which Gives Us the Fruit of Success - Essay Example

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This essay "Commitment, a Weapon which Gives Us the Fruit of Success" presents commitment, that is not only a word, it is a panacea and a weapon that will helps a man a lot and leads him towards success. Though one may have intelligence, he will be one foot away from success…
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Commitment, a Weapon which Gives Us the Fruit of Success
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Unless one has the commitment, a particular vision, strong zeal, and a passion to create something in one's life he cannot reach his goals and he remains a failure one in society. The strongly committed sports persons will definitely achieve gold medals in the contests and the students get good results in their exams and in their life also. One more thing is only the commitment itself cannot make us a champion when we don’t have a proper vision and correct approach. So we can say the commitment is a weapon that we should use in the proper way to get the fruits of success.

Even though one failed in achieving the goal, the commitment in his soul awakes him and works as a panacea and pats his shoulder, and leads him towards his goal. We can understand that the word commitment is not a group of letters, its a magazine of bullets, which we can shoot the target with using the arm. Hence, commitment is the rule that is important in an individual’s life as well as in the policy of an organization. [1]  

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Commitment, a Weapon which Gives Us the Fruit of Success Example | Topics and Free Essays.
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Commitment, a Weapon Which Gives Us the Fruit of Success Example | Topics and Free Essays.
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