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Graduate Schools - Admission/Application Essay Example

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Nevertheless, in the contemporary world, numerous people have demonstrated their apathetic views on politicians and agencies that govern them. In…
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Graduate Schools
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I strongly believe that politicians are not just a representative of the government or the legal institutions, rather they are the change agents who with their innovative thoughts bring radical changes in the society. Moreover, I firmly believe that in order to bring prosperity and growth to a nation, the importance of politics is paramount. It is evident that a country with stable and clear political vision such as the United States has been able to prove its supremacy globally. I firmly conjure that issues related to politics and political science have indeed motivated and enthused me to have keen interest on the subject of political science.

This interest and curiosity of mine have stimulated to investigate deeper into the matters related to political science, evaluate various elements surrounding it and innovate new along with fresh thoughts on the subject. Truly speaking, matter related to politics fascinated me as far back as I can recollect my memories. I can remember, even at early age of my life, I liked political debates and shows that used to come on television. When I was in school, I often remained engaged in debates and seminars wherein I could share my opinions and ideas with other peers.

I always had a deep yearning to explore how the prevailing political consensus evolved and often apply my thoughts to the contemporary political agenda to ensure advancement of the communities. I spent considerable time in analyzing political ideas and views of several prominent leaders, which further intrigued me towards gaining exhaustive insights about political science. I am a firm believer of active learning and often want to engage lively and interactive learning environment. I strongly believe that learning is not about equipping oneself with theories and concepts or empirical materials that I can integrate these information in my own life experience.

Rather, I believe actively engaging in political science based theories as well as practices that

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Graduate Schools Admission/Application Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 Words.
“Graduate Schools Admission/Application Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 Words”, n.d.
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