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Why the Working Age Should Be Lowered to 15 - Essay Example

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The aim of the present essay is to reveal why it is beneficial to lower the working age to 15. The writer of this essay describes the advantages of working at an early age. Moreover, the writer suggests that lowering the working age will allow producing more responsible and mature-minded people…
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Why the Working Age Should Be Lowered to 15
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“Why the working age should be lowered to 15” Getting a job as a young child is very difficult and is becoming exaggeratingly difficult and hard with the declining economy. Moreover, the working age in the United States should be at least 18. But it is the need of time that the working age in the United States should be lowered to 15 because benefits and advantages relating to it are tremendous. Apart from the obvious benediction of earning money and having to spend money freely according to your own needs, there are other several advantages of a young age job (Goldenthal 1983).

When one gets a job, one is learning to be responsible and authoritative it also and helps the person if he is studying in the college. One learns the important factors such as punctuality; the child learns the importance of time and completing the assigned tasks before the deadlines. Moreover, he/she learns to follow through and stand up to what he/she has committed to. This helps the children in valuating the responsibilities that their parents are carrying and it teaches them the importance of money; one should first work really hard.

It is obvious that most of the young children of around the age of 14-16 would prefer to sleep in. But if they set that pattern of getting up early in the morning and understanding their responsibility it may be hard to break when they grow up (Goldenthal 1983). Another important skill that children might evaluate is their ability to communicate with different people belonging to different fields of life and with totally different temperaments and personalities. While working, they may have to communicate with other kids, their colleagues, their bosses and the parents of other kids as well.

These things would certainly help the young kids in getting a taste of the practical world very early in the age. They would learn from their mistakes and bad-experiences and will turn out to be successful and productive citizens of the society (Goldenthal 1983). Working at an early age results in the gain of experience for the youngster and that each job leads to another. For example, when a child would be working at a position where he can perform well, he can be contacted by other employers for different positions.

This leads to the psychological maturation of the child helps him in facing the problems and solving them in different circumstances. Moreover, the benefits of having a job at the age of 15 revolve around the potential of the youngster. The youngster would have an edge over their co-aged children because not all the 15 year olds like to have a job in this age. Secondly, the youngster would gain training in all the tasks that he/she has applied in. Thirdly, they will learn the value of money.

They would not waste money because they would know that they have earned this money by a lot of hard work. In addition, they can put these experiences and acquaintances in their resume when applying for their dream job which definitely give them an edge over the other applicants. An important reason that why the working age should be lowered to 15 is that it makes the child self dependent at a very early age. And this would also help his/her parents in coping up with their increasing expenses.

It also pops up the self confidence within the child which would greatly help the child in communicating when he/she grows up. Moreover, it also diminishes the complex that he/she is dependent upon someone and is the cause of his/her parents for working all the day. In conclusion, the working age should be definitely lowered to 15 in order to produce more responsible and mature-minded people in the future which would certainly aid to increase the income of the country. Moreover, lowering the working age to 15 would result in the betterment of the economy when these children will grow up to be successful in their respected fields and would bring great benefits to the Country of the United States.

ReferencesGoldenthal, A. B. (1983). The teenage employment. New York: Monarch Press.Top of FormBottom of FormBottom of Form

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