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Young People in American Society - Essay Example

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This study, Young People in American Society, highlights that oppression can be defined as unfair and excessive use of authority on another person or group of persons with intentions of inflicting supremacy, humiliating and forceful subordinating…
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Young People in American Society
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According to the essay in 1990, students’ (adolescents) violent attitude and violence in schools got dedicated attention from the society. The move was based upon ensuring peaceful atmosphere in schools and colleges and to invest educational resources on productive and learning targets rather than disciplining young students. But evil behind this oppression remained strong and untouched so far and this evil is called ‘adultism’. The adultism is discriminatory ‘ism’ for young members of the society.

This particular ‘ism’ consists of closest family members, teachers and elders etc. The after effects of this oppression are very dangerous and endless for example adults may force their dependants to steal, beg, fight, break laws, deal with drugs and adopt prostitution. In addition to illegitimate and immoral activities differential oppression can be inflict with apparently positive and ethical dogmas based upon religious beliefs, cultural traditions and  regional  limits.

From this paper it is clear that governments are allegedly great contributors of differential theory via discriminatory legal system against young people. The lack of protective laws for young people should be considered as oppressive behavior against them. Our current economic systems are also dominated by certain group which is largely made up of adults. Thus it violates young people’s desires to take part in competition with adults in business and offices.. Political AgeismGovernments are allegedly great contributors of differential theory via discriminatory legal system against young people.

The lack of protective laws for young people should be considered as oppressive behavior against them.Economic AgeismOur current economic systems are also dominated by certain group which is largely made up of adults. Thus it violates young people's desires to take part in competition with adults in business and offices. Cultural AgeismEven though we are living in more civilized societies, but discrimination on the basis of sex, color, race, religion, ethnicity and age is universally everywhere.

Children are among top victims in cultural divisions, they are not even provided with simple choices such as career, education, marriage and employment.Interpersonal AgeismYoung people are oppressed interpersonally not only by parents, guardians but also by friends and siblings and sometimes by neighbors and teachers as well. Kind of oppressions by these groups is of discouraging, disrespecting and unrecognized nature. The reaction by the young people in response to oppressions is of severe violence oriented and it can be witnessed everywhere.

In United Sates of America this oppression has resulted into extreme youth reactions in form of high rising school crimes, rage, and unlawful activities among students. The introduction of overly restricted rules and regulations is another contributor in juvenile offenses in United Sates, consequently pushing youngsters towards more depression and ultimately societal epidemic. A distinctive element of differential oppression is that the already victimized people (at the time of their youth) are

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“Young People in American Society Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 Words”, n.d.
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