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The Last Supper - Essay Example

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The Bible is regarded as the main reference book used by most Christians in several ways,such as strengthening their faith and spreading the gospel.The New Testament mainly contains information related to the account of Jesus Christ, his birth, life and ministries, death, resurrection and ascension…
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The Last Supper
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Task: The Last Supper The Bible is regarded as the main reference book used by most Christians in several ways, such as strengthening their faith and spreading the gospel (evangelization). The New Testament mainly contains information related to the account of Jesus Christ, his birth, life and ministries, death, resurrection and ascension. This section of the Bible also records the activities done by Jesus’ disciples in preparation to the second coming of Christ. Among the notable bold apostles after the death of Jesus was Saul, later called Paul.

This essay will look into lucid analysis of the Last supper as portrayed in the Bible as well as its interpretation in the text book. The last supper was the final meal that Jesus shared with his disciples before he faced death through crucifixion. This event is commemorated by Christians on every Maundy Thursday of every year. The event provides the scriptural basis for the Holy Communion, the Eucharist, or the Lord’s Supper (Smith 23). The event took place towards the end of the week after the triumphant entry of Jesus into Jerusalem.

The event was celebrated at the same time when Passover was being celebrated among the Israelites. During the event, Jesus predicted that one of his disciples would betray him. This prediction was fulfilled by Judas Iscariot who, after the supper, went away and betrayed him to the Roman rulers. Jesus then rose and girded himself with a towel and poured water into a basin. He used the water to wash the feet of his disciples. After washing the feet, he wipes them using the towel he had. Simon Peter, one of the disciples, asked why Jesus did wash the feet but Jesus answered that what he could not comprehend what he was doing but would understand later.

Peter refused that Jesus should not wash his feet. Jesus answered that if he did not do it then Peter would cease to be part of the group. After Jesus’ reply, Peter insisted that Jesus should wash even his hands and head as they were both unclean. “Lord, not my feet only, but also my hands and my head” (John 13:9). Jesus answered him that he who is washed does not need save to be clean. He said not all of them were clean. After the washing, he said to them that they call him master and Lord and they say well for he is one.

“If I then, your Lord and Master, have washed your feet; ye also ought to wash one another’s feet” (John 13:14). Jesus then foretold about his suffering at the hands of the Roman soldiers. Jesus then strengthened their belief in him that he was actually the sent one. Then an argument arouse o who was the greatest among the disciples. Jesus summarized his stay at the table with his disciples advising them to adopt love as the most important and biggest commandment. The doubting of Thomas was also prophesied during the Last Supper.

There was also sharing of bread and wine among the disciples. The entire event was allegorical in the making with Christian teachings and principles. The idea of Judas Iscariot, one of his long time disciples, betraying him was meant to serve different purposes, for instance, fulfilling Old Testament prophesies (Harris 34). Besides, it was also teach Christians on the possible causes of temptations in the world. For instance, in this case, human weakness and love for money are portrayed to be major causes of human downfall, as far as spiritual belief is concerned.

Judas’ love for money made him betray his master. His action can also be explained as an effect of human nature. The argument concerning who was the favorite, or the greatest disciple of Jesus (Smith 78). The argument is meant to teach or show the virtue of humility among themselves. It rebukes pride among Christians and underscores to them the value of simplicity and meekness. The main activity that took place during the last supper was the breaking of bread and sharing it with wine. Jesus’ intention while sharing the two was to show them an example of his body and blood.

This showed that Jesus was ready for the forthcoming mission of saving mankind from the bondage of sin. The washing of the feet was also a sign of showing and uplifting the value of humility among Christian believers. Washing of the feet was also meant to teach the disciples on the value of service, in terms of spreading the Gospel to the people. It was also a sign that Jesus’ time to accomplish his mission had finally reached. In general, the last supper prepared Jesus and his disciples for their forthcoming roles.

Work Cited The New English Bible. NY: Oxford University Press, 1972. Harris, Stephen L. Understanding the Bible. 3rd ed. Mountain View, CA: Mayfield Publishing Co., 1992. Smith, Moody. Anatomy of the New Testament. Sixth Edition. Durham, North Carolina: Duke University Press, 2006. Print.

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