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Treatment Plans and Eating Disorders - Essay Example

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The paper "Treatment Plans and Eating Disorders" discusses that generally speaking, anorexia nervosa is a disorder brought about by problems of body weight where an individual fear losing or gaining weight or would prefer maintaining the current weight…
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Treatment Plans and Eating Disorders
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Bulimia nervosa results from ritual practices such as fasting, self-instigated vomiting, and excessive consumption of soft drinks. Treatment plans involve identifying eating disorders, coming up with the treatment, and identifying the exact period for administering the treatment plan (Marsha, 1993).

People are discouraged from eating disorders since they are a threat to body functions. Recovering people are induced to stick to their treatment plans as fallout would automatically lead them back to eating disorders. One such way of preventing the temptation of falling back into an eating disorder is by having the ability to control one’s emotions. Flimsy emotions arouse negative feelings making people compare themselves in terms of fashion designs and body sizes with group interactions being the backbone of all eating disorders (Marsha, 1993). One can avoid this problem by having control over emotions where an individual should be satisfied with his creative nature, have the patience to distress, and practice exercise. This is a common problem amongst students, they like fashion designs and modern luxurious food. To some extent, they end up using chemicals that are dangerous to their eating styles that should one should be avoided.

Consequently, one can avoid inducement towards bad eating habits by having realistic and achievable targets. Disappointments from high expectations often lead to poor eating habits due to stress and demands from the people responsible. Often people avoid such circumstances by misusing drugs and engaging in practices that make them lose weight due to a meager diet. A treatment plan for this problem engrosses accepting the situation as they are and accommodating the outcome of goals whether negative or positive. Furthermore, people are advised to avoid activities that cause tension, as this is the greatest source of poor eating habits, especially for students. Swaying people with negative thoughts is also an issue to prevent indulgence in food (Marsha 1993).

Not forgetting as means of a treatment plan is training to create sensitivity and guidance on the aspects of things like shape; complexity, figure, diets, and eating-associated practices such as developing appetite as well as, adequate satisfactory actions. Capacities building on physiological behavioral regulation improve during the training (Marsha 1993). Development to help in combating things like pressure and stress which are the most common contributors to poor eating habits also arise. During the training exercise, the heightening of prospective foods that fit with every circumstance is fundamental. This helps one know the best type of food to fit during the different situations one faces. Students for example, after the training, would know the diet during exams, normal classes, and sports.

While winding up, treatment plans are extremely significant documents helpful in the recovery of people from their unhealthy eating habits by suggesting diets and identifying health problems before they reach dangerous stages (Marsha 1993). Treatment plans are also prominent in preventing diseases like diabetes through recommending exercise that reduce blood sugar level. In addition, emotional and negative behavioral characteristics refine by using a treatment plan. A treatment plan is a crucial document that should be encouraged amongst students and the public as it derives solutions to most eating disorder problems. Read More
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