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The Seven Aspects of Nonverbal Communication - Term Paper Example

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The paper "The Seven Aspects of Nonverbal Communication" describes how distance, gaze, touch, voice modulations and other aspects of nonverbal communication can be indicators of aggression, indifference or intimacy between individuals in different cultures.
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The Seven Aspects of Nonverbal Communication
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?Nonverbal Communication Definition and introduction Communication is the supreme need of human being in a socially engaged life. Most part of the active life of a human being is directly connected to communication in various forms. It is the key factor of life that drives individuals to productively live in every society. However, the absence of words or inability to produce them may not necessarily affect the communication process in many contexts. Thus, the process of endorsing communication without the use of words of spoken sounds is called ‘nonverbal communication’. The facilitation of nonverbal communication is featured by the use of gestures, body language, facial expression of eye contact etc. Besides these features, the prospect of one person’s speech being different from another by way of voice, style and stress also constitutes to the functioning of nonverbal communication. Similarly, even in written format of communication, there are certain features like handwriting, organization of sentences and the word selection can altogether constitute an insignia of a person’s nonverbal communication elements. The following paragraphs give a clear-cut ideal of the scope, function and practical application of nonverbal communication in different spheres of life. It is also essential to recognize the prominence of the seven aspects of this model of contact between people such as paralanguage, body language, environment, distance, touch, time and eye contact has to be clearly evaluated for their use and management in the practical application of nonverbal communication. Managing nonverbal communication Managing communication in the absence of words is arguably one of the most challenging tasks for the managers of organized groups. It is equally important to manage the feelings and their reflections in the daily life of individuals. There can be many examples of the regular life of individuals in which they have to adopt the process of nonverbal communication aspects. Sometimes a look or a gesture does the role of a great command. In other contexts, body language or time set for a regular action can influence the stakeholders of the process of exchange of information. There can be certain references to prove that the use of words and their pronunciation doubtlessly making the communication easier and more cognitive; however, the transfer of feelings and intellectual significance of a conversation or relationship between individuals is influenced more by non-verbal communication channels than the routine voice based elements. For instance, as Soon (2012) points out, a meeting of two people is specifically garnished by their shaking each other’s hands or by a hugging; in either case, the process of the meeting commences with the routine greeting of the time covering that meeting. From a certain angle of view, it is visibly annoying to find that the absence of such a physical endorsement of feelings makes the communication less effective. In order to manage the communication using the nonverbal media, the communicator has to effectively analyze and make use of his body language, touch and vocal qualities with the careful concern for time, space and situations. Moreover, it may also be regulated and empowered by the use of symbols and graphic pictures developed by the modern technology such as printed documents, visual projects and placards etc (Pecha Kucha 6 minutes 40 seconds). The functional success of a nonverbal medium is directly connected to time and environment at which it is used. If a person winks an eye at a stranger as a gesture of information transfer, it becomes provoking sometimes to the opposite person. For another instance, the combined atmosphere and distance effect in a nonverbal communication event matters to a great extent in the completion of a meaningful transfer of information. In military operations and surgical or scientific experimental environments, the need for gestures as a device is necessary; and the right cognitive effect of this is analysed by the timing of such gestures. On another occasion, the distance of various communication prospects is a matter of reference. Scientists and researchers of non-verbal communication have devised imaginary units of distances to measure the intensity and intimacy levels of communication among couples, friends, groups and public speaking session. According to it, the gap between the stakeholders changes as the parties and the time of the communication become subject to changes.(Pecha Kucha: 6 minutes 40 seconds) . The prospect of choosing a space at a particular time of communication is thus a matter of classified distance analysis in most contexts. Also, the right use of eye contact related to a directive address or a substitute command between parent and children, student and teacher, commandant and subordinate etc is a significantly effective means of nonverbal communication. Thus from all the angles of evaluation, it can be seen that the emphasize of the non-verbal agents always lie deep in the process of communication even though the communicator feels it peripherally useful. The best example to prove this fact is the scenes of plays and movies in which actors emphasise words and regulate the stress, gestures and emotions for the effective transfer of the message between the individuals involved in the conversation. Nonverbal Communication as a Self-defense Cover The aforesaid seven aspects of nonverbal communication sometimes act as a practical mechanism to build a self defense cover in troubled situations or as a means of logical retaliation based on specific time intervals. Usually in offices, where a certain individual is criticized for his personal failure to appear or act in a desirable manner, the authority or the coworkers may take it for a chance to pounce upon the weak one to show their capacity. In my personal view, if a person commits such an unsolicited trial to demoralize me, I will wait to come back stronger with a better appearance or reserved mannerism to tackle his next approach and without using a word, I will manage to pronounce my superior stance from the next day. I think certain amount of paralanguage application can also come to the benefit of such moments when the deliberate attempt to distract a speaker’s focus on the topic. A general humming or short coughs or pretentious thirst for water during public speeches is a usual scene (Barnett & O’Rourke 2008). Even in intimate communication, the need for paralanguage is essential as it can spice up the situation or show dejection without the use of words. On the other hand, the use of body language and maintenance of postures or gestures during communication is of a greater effect than the words actually spoken. It is so clear a fact that ‘actions speak louder than words’. The mannerism to deal with bullying or verbal harassment can vary from person to person; some people adopt a straight warning gesture using hands across their face to challenge or plead mercy as seen in entertainment events like wrestling and fights in some movie scenes. I am sure to hold a tight-lipped silence against the superiors who try to harass me intentionally. And if it is a person of an equal designation or class standard, I am ready to raise a warning finger against him to show that I take his challenge the next time such an incident occurs. I think the use of distance can be an indicator or indifference or intimacy in a communication process. An uneasy approach of a person can be discouraged by taking a sudden distance from the actual position and that generally gives a disturbing vibe in the opposite person. If the situation has to be handled more effectively, the modulation of voice can be used; and the facilitation of nonverbal communication is limited to the specific environments (Non-verbal communication). Since the intentional attacker is conscious about his own safety, the exposure of the environment by vocal alerts can land a big blow on the person’s wrong intentions. One can also understand how a person manages his time as a part of his personality (Barnett & O’Rourke 2008); this can be a helpful nonverbal expression about an individual’s preferences of different actions at different times as relevant his distinctive chronic attitudes. Thus we can manage a moment by predicting the individual’s attitude at a given point of time and prepare well in advance to defend the bad ends of such interventions. Sometimes avoiding eye contact with a person having a humiliating tendency is necessary to manage the stress of being harassed. Since eyes are the most sensitive sense organs, the channeling of communication through eye contact is influential to the situations and the mindsets of individuals standing at both ends of the non verbal communication. Finally, it can be restated that touch, being the most sensitive and special of all the forms of nonverbal communication, has to be managed very carefully as a means of communication. Since most of the societies are nontactile, the purpose and intention of a touch is always challenged by environment and speculations. Usually, the means of touch can be used as a way to console or confront a person. It can be both for the effect of intimacy or intimidation; therefore, in a troubled situation, touch can be used for pleading mercy or for specially appreciating the effect of person’s achievement if it is necessary to escape his intentions to hurt us emotionally. Thus I believe all the seven aspects of nonverbal communication have their own prominence based on the circumstantial demands and the number of people involved in the communication process. Since the aspect of this form of wordless communication is an inevitable part of our personal as well as professional life, it is obvious that the communication of between any two individuals or groups is effective and clear only if it helps to understand each other’s concerns and intentions clearly. References Barnett, S & O’Rourke, S. (2008) Communication, organization and innovation. Pearson Education New Zealand Limited. Non-verbal communication. [online] available at [accessed 6 April 2013]. Soon, J. (2012) Role of Nonverbal Communication at the Workplace. [online] available at [accessed 6 April 2013]. Pecha Kucha: 6 minutes 40 seconds. Notes. Read More
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