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Philosophy of Linguistics:Methodology & Ontology - Book Report/Review Example

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PHYLOOHY OF LINGUISTICS 2011 ABSTRACT This research paper is dedicated to the issue of the connection between philosophy and linguistics. There are two main theories that consider this interconnection “the wrong Theory” and “The right Theory”. The paper also considers the role of grammar in linguistics…
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Philosophy of Linguistics:Methodology & Ontology
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PHYLOOHY OF LINGUISTICS This research paper is dedicated to the issue of the connection between philosophy and linguistics. There aretwo main theories that consider this interconnection “the wrong Theory” and “The right Theory”. The paper also considers the role of grammar in linguistics. The correlation between linguistics and philosophy has many mutual issues that relate to both subjects. Philosophy deals with such notions as subjectivity and objectivity, meaning and connotation etc.

Philosophy implies deep reflections in order to arrive to the eventual truth. Any suggestion both in philosophy and linguistics is based on subjective arguments that prove this or that statement. However, the issue of main concern is the syntactic theory and its transformation throughout the history of linguistics and philosophy. According to Jerry Fodor there are two schools that study this problem: the first one is called ‘The right view’ and the second – “The Wrong view”. “The wrong view”.

The main principles of “The wrong views“are represented below. It goes about the necessity to create the basic grammar that will reflect all people’s ideas and intentions. Only grammar without deep understanding of the subject is considered in this theory. To put it another way, grammar predetermines the whole linguistic system. This theory claims that linguistics does not have any particular object of studying and therefore it does not explain anything in the world. This theory closely refers to instrumentalism since according to it the methods and instruments determine the general direction of the science development.

“The Right View”. The “Right view” opposes the above mentioned one. According to it linguistics describes a grammar that has been internalized by each speaker; the grammar is, as they say, psychologically real (Devitt, 1989, p.498). This theory maintains the idea that linguistics aim is to explain the behavior of grammar or vocabulary or other its constituent parts. Similarly to philosophy, linguistics tries to find motivation of the connotation and other phenomena within its sphere. Moreover, this theory goes far beyond the limits of linguistics.

For example, while reading any instruction the first thing to do is to understand the meaning of the words and then to construct the general meaning of it. In this version grammar represents the element of reality that makes it possible for people to communicate. So, it enables people to read, study, and contribute to the development of science. The ability cognition definitely refers to the sphere of philosophy, though it won’t be possible without the basic knowledge of language that enables a person to participate in the process of communication.

The interconnection of language and behavior. The next issue of this theory is that language and grammar even coordinate people’s behavior and actions. There are many researches that signify that the peculiarities of a language (for example constant using of a word) influence the general mood and even traditions of the whole nation. In order to speak a language it is not always necessary to know its grammar. Children start speaking just copying their parents and understanding the meaning of the words.

Communication process is sometimes believed to originate from our sub consciousness. Criticism of “The Right Theory”. It suggests that knowledge of a language is a cognitive skill, and hence may be mere knowledge-how not knowledge-that (Devitt, 1989, p.504). Grammar is not international - it is strictly local, sometimes extending over vast territories but it is strictly connected with the rules and traditions of the society. Such notions as synonyms, homonyms and multiple meanings are strongly connected with philosophy.

How it may happen that one word has sometimes more than 20 meanings and sometimes these meanings are in tough opposition. It can be explained either from the position of the history of linguistics or the basis of philosophical studying (Devitt, 1989). In what way is linguistics connected with philosophy? It is the people perception that determines the meaning of a word. The same word pronounced with different intonation can have different effect. In this situation linguistics is connected not only with philosophy but also with psychology.

What is the nature of words? To make a conclusion it is necessary to say that scientists in the whole world have not still reached the consensus about whether the words have an arbitrary or motivated nature. However, the thesis about the tough connection between linguistics and philosophy is vivid. The sphere of still disputable questions belong to such questions as: Can language define the nation’s culture? Are there some words that give negative impression through its sounds? Etc. REFERENCES 1.

Devitt, M. (1989). Linguistics: What’s Wrong with “The Right View”. University of Maryland.

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