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Literature review - Research Proposal Example

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Literature Review There are a number of overarching considerations regarding adolescent obesity. These considerations establish the direction of later research proposal as they establish the defining parameters of investigating adolescent obesity. In this way, Fahmy (2010, p…
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Literature review
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1243). Alsaif (2011) considered the prevalence of obesity among children and adolescents and recognized the problem as an epidemic. Dehgan (2011, p. 2) confirmed these findings. This study conducted quantitative research throughout the United States and established that one in every six children aged 6 to 18 years old are obese. Reilly (2010, p. 205) conducted a comprehensive examination of recent systematic reviews and clinical guidelines regarding childhood and adolescent obesity. One of the predominant findings in this study was the recognition that many parents failed to recognize obesity in their child or adolescent.

Additionally, the study recognized that many medical professionals under-diagnosed obesity in children and adolescents, and did implement a uniform means of diagnosis. There are a number of considerations that link obesity to specific factors. These specific factor considerations are notable as they further establish the means through which the eventual structured interview questions can be established. Additionally, they factor into the qualitative portion of the analysis. Barnes (2011) examined recent statistical trends among childhood obesity.

This investigation revealed that childhood and adolescent obesity greatly contributed to the potential for adult obesity. O’Connor (2011, p. . Liou, Liou, & Chang (2010, p. 1246) examined the causes of adolescent obesity between 2007 and 2008 among 40 middle high schools with 384 classes, implementing a three-stage systematic sampling design. Among the participants 7.2% were identified as obese and 16.1% overweight. These results were correlated with findings that demonstrated individuals with obese parents were at a high risk of obesity.

There are a number of notable concerns related to potential treatment methods and avenues for progress. These elements are highly significant to the qualitative portion of the research investigation. The challenge of treating childhood obesity has heightened as studies such as Lawrence et al. (2010) indicate there is no single determinant of adolescent obesity. This study recommends then that treating adolescent obesity necessarily involve a multi-dimensional approach. Stevens (2010, p. 233) studied obesity in middle school students and confirmed the perspective that it must be treated with a multi-dimensional approach.

Still, this study indicated that the combination of diet and physical activity directly contributed to weight modification. Swain (2009, p. 22) considered these perspectives. This studied specifically presented an exercise program, referred to as ‘Mind, Exercise, Nutrition, Do It!’ (MEND). This program would involve repeated consultations for parents and children with physicians. These consultations would then work to establish goals and overall lifestyle change. Doak (2009, p. 111) considered many of the specific intervention elements the previous studies examined with varying degrees of accord.

This study argued that nearly three quarters of school-based obesity interventions are effective. Still,

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