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Nicki Harrington and Cynthia Lee Terrys Book LPN to RN Transitions - Essay Example

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The paper "Nicki Harrington and Cynthia Lee Terrys Book LPN to RN Transitions" discusses that no matter what effort the author put in, he still feels unhappy because he was always given low grades. This was very unfair to a hard-working student like him.  …
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Nicki Harrington and Cynthia Lee Terrys Book LPN to RN Transitions
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Just like any other semester, what I went through gave me a chance to experience a lot about the ups and downs of the nursing profession and how effectively one can utilize time to succeed no matter how challenging it might appear.

When it comes to lessons, I acknowledge that the course was indeed a very educative one. We got to learn a lot of lessons about the nursing profession. From Nicki Harrington and Cynthia Lee Terry’s book LPN to RN Transitions: Achieving Success in Your New Role, I learned that the transition from a Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN) to Registered Nurse (RN) is a long process that requires seriousness, commitments, perseverance, hard work and determination. Therefore, as an aspiring nurse, I have to take this as a challenge to endure the long process and be ready to read very hard and pass all my examinations before becoming a model RN. This is the only way through which I will achieve my ultimate goal of contributing to the positive transformation of my society.

My highest point in the semester is when I got an opportunity to participate in an online course. It was enjoyable to get time to engage in private studies at home without necessarily having to physically attend lectures in the college. Also important is the fact that I had to write a series of assignments and submit them to the discussion board each week. From here, I managed to learn a lot of skills like time management, responsibility, accountability, and punctuality. These are important skills that will help me to succeed as a student and a nurse in the future. I think this makes it much better for me because it enabled me to be a dedicated student who could manage all the activities without having to be followed up by my lecturers.

However, my lowest point is when I had to be compelled to work very hard, take assignments and abide by a strict and strenuous schedule. It was so difficult for me to cope with the rules guiding the submission of assignments to the discussion board. Rather than responding to a series of quizzes, multiple choice questions, or other types of written assignments, I had to be very punctual lest my assignments be rejected. So, I had to rush and complete all assignments and submit them to the discussion board without ever getting late. Last, but not least, I was disappointed by how my assignments were graded. Read More
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