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Professional Development Plan Issues - Essay Example

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The essay "Professional Development Plan Issues" focuses on the critical analysis of the major issues in the professional development plan. S/he has some career goals that s/he wishes to achieve including achieving their dream of being a nurse manager in future…
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Professional Development Plan Issues
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I have some career goals that I wish to achieve including achieving my dream of being a nurse manager in future due to the responsibilities and respect that come with the role in a health provision organization. I believe achieving my career goal of a nurse manager will allow me to ensure the best service is provided for all patients, development of guidelines for better working conditions for nurses, and formulation of policies and guidelines for the training and personal development of nurses in the institution I will be working. Another career goal is augmenting my ability to provide better healthcare to elderly patients by specializing in Geriatric medicine as it shows my respect for the dignity of human life and protection of the rights and ability of the elderly to live a healthy satisfied life. Further, I would like to achieve a point where I will be in a position to influence the decisions on patient care as a member of the nursing care committee to ensure these decisions positively influence the satisfaction and recovery process of the patients.

I would like to be involved with nursing profession organizations including the American Nursing Association (ANA), American Academy of Nursing, American Association of Critical Care Nurses (AACCN), American Nursing Informatics Association (ANIA), and American Association for the History of Nursing (AAHN) (Finkelman & Kenner, 2010). The main reasons for the choice to be a member of these organizations is due to the provision of an avenue to be notified of conventions, which will aid me in keeping up with changes in nursing practices, the provision of networking opportunities, and the certification offered by these organizations showing commitment for improving nursing practice. Access to publications and new insights offered through these nursing organizations are the other reasons for joining them as a measure of keeping up with changes and roles of a care provider in a dynamic and changing healthcare environment.

There are different avenues through which I will use to augment my education and skills for the better performance of duties and responsibilities in the course of my job and enhance my ability to rise in the profession and achieve my career goals (Masters, 2005). This includes attending seminars and conferences that have a high ability to expand my knowledge and abilities, especially those that deal with administration and patient care. Webinars are the other avenue available for me to ensure my skills and education are augmented in the coming years as they offer few courses and allow access to high-quality content within a short period. I aim to ensure that I attend and complete a master in nursing course with a specification on Geriatric medicine. The choice is due to my respect and aims for the provision of dignified care for elderly patients and the development of measures to ensure access to better health care by the old people within the community.

The main impact I would like to make in the nursing profession is developing a positive attitude by nurses globally toward the care of elderly patients and augmenting the number of nurses specializing in geriatric medicine. This is due to the negative attitude of nurses toward caring for elderly patients due to the belief that it involves too much care and dedication. The other impact on nursing is positively changing the working conditions to make the nursing profession a choice for most people who shun the profession for tough schedules and unfavourable conditions (Harrion, 2001).

Since I started the BSN program, I have changed my view on the provision of better health care and life satisfaction for the elderly people in the community. The other change has been to front myself for leadership positions in nursing owing to the need that I have realized for the creation of a better working environment and the passion to improve the nursing profession.

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