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Why I want to work as a registered nurse at Delray Medical Center - Admission/Application Essay Example

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First and foremost, kindly allow me to convey my congratulations to the leadership and the entire staff of the Delray Medical Center for the effort and dedication you have put in to raise the facility to the level that it sits now. It takes a lot of sacrifice and ambition to…
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Why I want to work as a registered nurse at Delray Medical Center
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Application Essay, Nursing Number First and foremost, kindly allow me to convey my congratulations tothe leadership and the entire staff of the Delray Medical Center for the effort and dedication you have put in to raise the facility to the level that it sits now. It takes a lot of sacrifice and ambition to achieve these things that you now competently boast of. To be honest, this is not the first time I am hearing about your facility and outstanding services. This hospital has been in my mind for the greater part of the last decade.

I regularly read about the institution and occasionally pay visits too, to see how you go about your daily operations and also to learn a thing or two. I have to admit I have been impressed. Even without my approving remarks, the awards and distinctions that the Delray Medical Center has amassed overtime far outwit my most generous acknowledgements. Just as it is shown by CSDS Report (1974), for an 11-time winner of the Tenet Circle of Excellence, numerous recognitions as one of the best hospitals for the services you provide, quality awards for various Medicare and a plethora of other recognitions, I would firmly say the hospital is one of the best (if not the best) in the entire Florida.

Just as Delray Medical Center-Delray Beach (n.d.) observes, quite often, there is very little in terms of development and growth in other hospitals but the people I have spoken with speak very highly of your ever improving excellence in service delivery. In addition, I have interacted with several other hospitals staff from other hospitals in the larger Florida and other states, and their underlying observation is that the Delray is one of the best (for staff) and safest (for patients) places to be in America, going by information availed by credible accounts such as Indivisible: stories of American community (2000).

I am particularly overwhelmed by your humility and desire to better yourself and be an open institution especially with the unannounced surveys that you consent to and the contact avenues that you so generously offer to patients, customers, visitors and other concerned personnel to provide (positive or negative) feedback if need be. You have set the pace for modern Medicare and as a result of my silent interaction with the institution I have grown immensely attached to the hospital and desired to be part of its nobleness and community service.

It is therefore with immense humility that I have recently applied to be part of the Delray and part of the other 2,200 plus dedicated and committed staff. I am particularly well in tune with the mission statements and goals of this institution (which I believe are a model of what every other institution should strive for) that have seen to the diligent service to the communities of southern Palm Beach County, northern Broward County and the entire world for over three impressive decades now.

As part of the staff, I will toil and employ my skills and talent in all fullness towards taking this hospital to even greater heights. According to me, there is still much to be done and greater recognitions to earn. For the Delray, the sky is the limit and provision of the highest quality health care is a certain and achievable goal. I am also fully aware of the rules and regulations concerning the staff and other professionals. Rules that would see us increasingly achieve high standards of excellence and become the benchmark of industry practices, improve daily activities, achieve high and acceptable return for our investors, forge strong relations with those with whom we share values, foster continued employee development, treat each other respectfully and with integrity while also maintaining and enhancing relationships with physicians for better services.

I see an opportunity to work at the Delray as a new nurse, as the best choice to work for my community, while also developing and grooming my nursing skills and knowledge. At the Delray, I will also be able and free to demonstrate leadership and responsibility while also accessing and investing in people and technology in order to arrive at innovative ways of offering high-quality and high-value health care to our patients in a more demanding future. My application to the Delray Medical Center is by no means a purpose of convenience.

I have had my sights set on this particular institution for quite some time now (as earlier indicated) and it would therefore be with utmost humility and honor to be able to serve at the hospital. I consider it a new and a fresh chapter in my life, a gateway for success, self-satisfaction and the realization of dreams.I’m looking forward to hearing from you soon.Thank you very much.ReferencesCSDS Report (1974). Tallahassee: The Dept. Delray Medical Center-Delray Beach, FL. (n.d.). Delray Medical Center-Delray Beach, FL.

Retrieved May 8, 2014, from Indivisible: stories of American community. (2000). Tucson, Ariz.: Center for Creative Photography.

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