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Numero Magazine - Article Example

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The paper "Numero Magazine" tells us about an international fashion magazine published by Paul-Emmanuel Reiffers. It has a circulation of 80,000, and the French edition reached its 100th issue in February 2009…
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Numero Magazine
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Numéro Magazine Magazine Numero magazine divergent to numerous global publications assumes an intriguing perspective in both the selection and the content it features. This is evident in the manner in which it has ventured in concentrating upon women issues, especially fashion, and eluding to publish other common issues. These encompass relationships, cooking or other female related issues, which other magazines have integrated in their content to offer their readers with varied tastes that they may desire. Contrarily, Numero magazine has intended to specialize immensely on fashion that utilizes art and luxury. Besides, concurrently to the author’s idea who contends that she felt bored owing to numerous global publications that pertained to women issues featuring similar “stupid issues”, she has blended fashion with various aspects. The “stupid issues” that she implied encompassed “how to seduce male gender”, “how to shun wrinkles” and similar, interrelated topics. These topics recurred in numerous publications where only the wording used to change, but their implication is the same. This depicted the absence of adequate creativity that would make women smart and innovative, especially in utilizing the present nature. Figure 1: Numéro Magazine 120 – portrait of Gareth Pugh, Retrieved from Numero magazine’s creativity mainly acknowledges diversity of cultures to heighten its standard value, which entails incorporation of architecture, beauty and varied designs globally. Since it is an international publication, it does not have any of its emphasis on certain region or civilization, but implies a wide coverage. It also encompasses cinema, varied designs and music coupled with international icons who are similar fashion-minded. Consequently, equipping women and upcoming either design or fashion icons with adequate creativity entailed in their fields. This is because the Numero’s content normally constitutes of contributions from numerous women globally, who have specialized in fashion or have a passion in the field. Additionally, Numéro boasts of featuring both the current and the future’s creativity, for instance, in Fig. 3 besides global icons that have shown exceptional sophistication in the fashion field. Primarily, this emanates from the desire to advertise diverse merchandise ranging from clothes, through beauty to vehicles where their volume sales in this competitive market rely on creativity. Figure 2: Numero Magazine, Retrieved from Figure 3: Eniko Mihaliks editorial in Numero Magazine, Retrieved from Why Numéro Magazine Besides, Numéro Magazine having been my favorite publication for a long time, I love the mode of presentation coupled by its content uniqueness. This is contrary to other publications that normally feature a wide range of information, especially relationships, travel, media programs, cooking and others. Primarily, publications of this kind normally do not tackle certain aspects in details, especially fashion; hence, offering scanty information that, in some instances, it will not be complete. This is because the editors or other specialists will only tend to include the striking part of the fashion side. Consequently, failing to expound extra information concerning key aspects or factors that have culminated to the visual image, which the reader may desire reading. For illustration, the involved beauty products, materials or reasons concerning why the designer has decided to integrate certain colors to result to the visual image in the magazine. This information is vital, especially to other experts who may find it attractive. Since from the little information presented, they are able to incorporate what they know and result to outstanding designs or diverse and varied fashions. Additionally, to the upcoming designers and therapists, it is a tool to learn more and equip them with extra information besides the formal and inborn creativity necessary in this field. Additionally, due to diversity of ideas that emanate from numerous regions, the Numéro magazine’s content does not always come forth in one edition language, but numerous, for instance, Japanese (Numéro Tokyo) in which the magazine creators can contribute according to their taste and mainly encompasses culture besides their unique perspective of fashions. Since creativity differs across individuals contributing in the magazine, it arouses the interests of numerous people as they can blend the ideas and trends they have either read about or seen by their own eyes. For an illustration, let’s take architectural designs that may prove to be unique in one particular region; a person can borrow an idea from a foreign design and incorporate it with his/her own ideas. Primarily, this does not imply that an individual ought to have fluent with the language presenting a certain aspect or factor since numerous presentations of Numéro magazine involve films and pictures that have high resolutions. Why did I use the example of Numéro magazine for a shooting? Numéro magazine, contrary to other magazines, possesses high resolution which is evident in its pictures and films. This is due the vast experience of its chief editor and other like-minded co-workers who possess similar desire in offering the best. Prior posting any content, the staff normally scrutinizes it and makes final adjustments together with the idea’s originator. According to numerous people who have gone the same way, they have confessed that they would not decipher the mistakes or intricate details they imparted to their work. Consequently, the Numéro’s staffs intervene early enough to offer those details, which will make numerous readers globally respond positively to one’s product. Additionally, the magazine is a global publication where its readers do not emanate from one region; and if they do, some are from Diaspora where they can access the information and refer to other audiences. This is because the film is visual product where even those who might not understand the language can at least decipher what it is all about prior inquiring for extra interpretation. Since fashion and design are the art of using creativity coupled with innovation to please the eye, the magazine’s management encourages the originators of its ideas. This is via discouraging them to shun all occasions or incidences that will confine themselves to creative limits and fail to bring out the necessary idea. Consequently, encouraging the incorporation of nature in their products extends even in shooting. Meticulous studies regarding the mode of films featured in the magazine have unveiled that almost 90% of movies and films concern beauty or fashion. Normally, they do prefer a natural background besides other diverse aspects. This implies that one’s artistic content is usually limited by the level of imagination, which will constitute the aesthetic quality of a product. References Numéro International Magazine. Retrieved on 15Th May from http://www.numero- Read More
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