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Summary and response for Seaman,, How Bingeing Became the New College Sport - Essay Example

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He has cited many reasons for his argument. In his opinion, Pregaming is a common thing in American college campuses which came into…
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Summary and response for Seaman,, How Bingeing Became the New College Sport
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"How Bingeing Became the New College Sport" Summary Seaman Barrett (2005) in his article "How Bingeing Became the New College Sport" argued in favor of lowering drink age from 21 to 18 in America. He has cited many reasons for his argument. In his opinion, Pregaming is a common thing in American college campuses which came into existence in the 1990’s. “It usually involves sitting in a dorm room or an off-campus apartment and drinking as much hard liquor as possible before heading out for the evenings parties” (Seaman).

Even though the voting rights were granted to the Americans at the age of 18, drink age is still 21 in America which is indirectly contributing to the pregaming like activities and subsequent alcohol poisoning. The drink age has been fixed at 21 in order to avoid alcohol poisoning and accidents related to driving under alcohol influence. By keeping the drink age at 21, the government was succeeded in reducing unfavorable incidents related to underage drinking. But such restrictions resulted in the development of an unintended culture around prohibited alcoholism among the youths.

For many American youths, college life is not only for learning alone, but for starting drinking also. The earlier beer culture in college campuses has given way for hard liquor now. Many universities have reported that there is no problem in lowering the drink age to 18 years. Montreals McGill University, which enrolls about 2,000 American undergraduates a year reported that many of the students when they first arrive at the college campus were exploiting their ability to drink legally. “But by midterms, when McGills demanding academic standards must be met, the vast majority has put drinking into its practical place among their priorities” (Seaman).

In short, Seaman argues in favor of lowering the drink age to 18 in America. Response I agree with the arguments of Seaman. If a person is matured enough to select the administrators of a country, then he should be matured enough to control his emotions or feelings even under the influence of alcohol. Maturity cannot be limited to one aspect alone. It is a general thing. Maturity of a person can be visualized in all the aspect of his family, social and political life. It is difficult to believe that a person, who has maturity in electing a government, doesn’t have maturity in his personal or social life.

It is a fact that when we restrict something to the children, they may develop more tendencies to break the restrictions. The stigma associated with underage drinking is a motivating factor for the youths to break the law. Experience makes a person perfect. It is a fact that even if we advice an infant to stay away from a candle flame, he may catch it if he gets an opportunity. At the same time once he suffers the burns and the pain, he will never repeat it. Same way, youths will consume alcohol even if the law prohibits it.

At the same time if a youth suffers something out of alcoholism, he may try to avoid it. In short, instead of keeping the drink age at 21, it should be lowered to 18 in order to avoid the stigma and mishaps associated with underage alcoholism.Works Cited1. Seaman Barrett. 2005. “How Bingeing Became the New College Sport”. 31 May 2010.

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