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Analysis of Canon in D Major Composition - Essay Example

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"Analysis of Canon in D Major Composition" paper looks at the most popular composition of Johann Pachelbel formally known as Canon and Gigue in D major for three Violins and Basso Continuo but is more popularly referred to simply as Canon in D major. …
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Analysis of Canon in D Major Composition
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These compositions have remarkably earned him a place amongst the most important figures in the middle Baroque period specifically because of his emphasis on the development of chorale prelude and fugue (Johann Pachelbel 2). 3. What kind of music is it and what is its purpose (operatic, church, stage, etc)Pachelbel's Canon in D major is originally a piece for chamber music. At the present, it is commonly played during weddings (Pachelbel's Canon 2).4. What are the main instruments used in performing the music This musical composition is intended for three violins and basso continuo.

However, through time its popularity made it the subject of arrangements for a wide variety of ensembles (Pachelbel's Canon 2). 5. What effect does this composition have on you, the listener Explain. In general, the composition conveys both warm and festive emotion through the instruments that are used, rhythm, and overall structure. I believe that this effect is most likely because of the connection of this music to wedding ceremonies. The Canon in D major is also made more interesting and appealing by the composer's extensive use of chord progression.

Overall, the composition seems to be an expression of strong, elaborate, and dramatic expression of emotion through the use of complex musical elements. 6. Choose a work of visual art (painting or sculpture) from the same period as the musical composition that seems to "relate" in some way. Explain your choice. How do these two works of art fit the time periodThe Canon in D major as stated above is one of the famous musical compositions during the Baroque period. Alongside this composition, the St.

Theresa in Ecstasy is also created within the same era. This sculpture is crafted by Bernini showing St. Theresa who once illustrated her love for God "as piercing her heart like a burning arrow. In his work, the saint is depicted in "idealized detail and imaginary setting," in a reclining pose with Cupid withdrawing an arrow at her heart, and her face showing not anticipation of ecstatic fulfillment (Baroque 3). The Canon in D major and St. Theresa in Ecstasy are both representatives of the Baroque period because of their use of artistic elements to convey strong emotion. Both artists utilized ornamentation to highlight their creations and make them more appealing to their audience. 

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