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Education & Culture - Essay Example

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It is undeniable that with the modern society of aggressive individuals today, learning has become a fast paced process that is now considered as one of the most detectable advancements that the entire human society has considerably taken into action. With regards this matter though, two educational analysts, Randall Jarell and Richard Rodriguez have to different opinions about the process by which education should actually be presented to the primary learners in the community system.
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It is actually through this that the values of the society are rather utilized to identify which medium of educational instruction shall actually lead the American society towards immeasurable future success. To understand the matter further, the following paragraphs shall give an intense discussion about each educational procedure's impact on the human society [particularly the American] today. Education as known to all is very much significant to for the human society as this is viewed and considered as the most efficient and effective means for personal and social development.

The concept of education entitles an individual, if properly trained and utilized the essential ability to progress for personal sustenance and economic survival. This is considered as one of the most important realm in one's life that must be achieved as also viewed by the family structure in the society. In addition, education can be used by the society as a whole to developed productive and capable citizens for fueling the progress of the humanity. Thus, education indeed is important. In the present though,.

Basically, the system of education in a given society is mainly promoted through the secular educational institutions and facilities namely the schools and university. In the course of the society's development, this educational structure is now being presented to have its flaws at it lacks sufficiently attention from the government and society itself. The professional service of providing quality education in the government and secular institutions are now becoming scarce and limited to the upper few because of many problems mainly location and capacity to address the increasing need of the growing population .

Thus, other means of attaining quality education must be included in the probably option of the willful public. Enticed with the present technological advancement of the society at the present, other means of securing quality education is now being offered for the public namely the concept of virtual schools through the internet. Through the aid of the modern technology in the communication, willful students and professional educators can now interact with each other in the course of training and educating regardless of the boundaries of location and institutional facilities.

The concept of virtual schools can be implemented with the significant aid of technological advancement to promote better learning and understanding of the students regarding the lesson matter as visual imagery and wide information resources can be accessed with ease. Technology is indeed manifested as a strong aspect of the modern society significantly promoting their fact-paced development. Because of this, it is only logical to use this strength of the people to address their most concerning problem which is the increasing demand for quality

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