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There are more disadvantages to new media than there are advantages - Essay Example

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This essay describes the advantages of new media. On a newly discovered and improved media, the impact on the society has long been a historical fascination subject. The impact of that conquest and discovery for the conquering media has traditionally received less attention…
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There are more disadvantages to new media than there are advantages
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New Media There Are More Disadvantages to New Media than There Are Advantages The ment saying that there are more disadvantages to new media than there are advantages is quite not true. On a newly discovered and improved media, the impact on the society has long been a historical fascination subject. The impact of that conquest and discovery for the conquering media has traditionally received less or no attention. Inside the pioneering book of 1992 by J.H. Elliott, the author set out to demonstrate and show how the assumptions of the traditional Europeans with regard to media and history went through challenges because of the encounter with new people and episodes.

This explains why there are more advantages in the new media than there are disadvantages contrary to the provided statement (Elliott, 2010). To serve as the concluding description of the new media, the pioneering work made the exploration that was the first sustained of the consequences for Europe, which had more disadvantages than the new media. This is of the settlement and discovery of America in economic, political, intellectual, social and religious terms having in mind that there are more rights and freedom in the new media.

The reason as to why the statement is wrong is that there is more advanced equipment in the new media making work easier thus more advantages and better working conditions. The new media does not also exploit women like those observed in the old media (Elliott, 2010). Although critics point out other disadvantages that result to the gaze including race, most of new media’s work concentrates on gender differences. The new media helps us understand that for those critics with interests in violence, racial class inflections support gender norms.

The movies industry has now turned into man woman affair content, where clear warnings display on film advertisement requiring that to be eligible to watch, one must be of certain age thus more advantages than disadvantages in all aspects including morals. References Elliott, J. (2010). The old world and the new. New York: New York Times.

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