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The Importance of Brand Equity to Customer Loyalty - Coursework Example

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The author of the paper "The Importance of Brand Equity to Customer Loyalty" is of the view that the valued end states comprise safety and security, achievement, good health, social approval, belongingness, self-esteem, freedom, peace of mind, and happiness among others…
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The Importance of Brand Equity to Customer Loyalty
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The customer purchased the facial mask with a terminal value of beauty and good health. The customer noticed that there was a problem with his skin and he starts making research about the perfect cure for that by searching online, consulting a doctor, or asking a group of friends. After that, the customer can decide what he wants. Next is the actual purchase of the facial product and finally, a post-purchase evaluation. When the customer was asked why she bought the facial mask she replied, “For treatment.” When asked why the mask is important to her, she says the product will treat her black head and even tone making her have better skin and appearance. By having better skin and appearance, she replied that she would be beautiful, healthy, and bright. Therefore, we know something about the features of the facial mask and her perception of the benefit which she has gained from that product’s features (good health, beauty, and brightness). On the other hand, when asked “How do you feel when you are using the mask?” she replies “Relax and calm.” In this case, it can conclude that the benefit of using the facial mask for treatment is crucial to this customer since it results in the valued end state of self-esteem. In this regard, the customer responded that the benefit of using the facial mask was self-esteem (relaxed and calm) as well as beauty, brightness, and good health. The process of establishing links between features, benefits, and valued end states is termed a laddering interview. It involves asking a customer repeatedly to identify the reason why something is important to her.

As cited by Kuester (2012), a brand delivers the benefits which the customer truly desires. Branding also assists the customers to remember the product. The customer bought a facial mask from the Clearance brand not because of the product’s attributes but because of those attributes, combined with the brand’s image and many other intangible and tangible factors that created an attractive whole. In the same way, Taylor, Celuch, and Goodwin (2012) affirm that brand equity together with trust is consistently the most vital precursor to both attitudinal and behavioral forms of customer loyalty. Branding is a promise of value to the customers. Clearance is a top-rated facial product that most consumers like to be associated with. The strongest brands stay on the leading edge in the product arena. A brand like Clearance is well-positioned occupying a certain niche in the mind of the consumer. Consequently, well-positioned brands like Clearance are similar to and different from the competing brands in particular reliably identifiable ways.

Based on the theory of buyer behavior, since the customer found information about the product from a friend and over the internet, the firm can use internet marketing to sell its products. This will ensure that a wider customer base is reached and numerous people can access the information regarding the company’s products. The firm can provide more information on the remedies of black and even tone. In the same way, the company can use promotional and discounted pricing strategies to encourage more consumers to purchase the product. Promotional pricing will assist the manufacturer to attract more customers in a very short time. Simplify the decision-making and the benefits of the product by putting symbols of relaxation, beauty, and good health on the facial products. Regarding post-purchase evaluation, dissatisfaction can be reduced by offering after-sales communications to the customers.

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