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Perceptions of Quality - Essay Example

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The paper "Perceptions of Quality" discusses that people have been known to buy products, especially jewelry for exorbitant prices simply because they are stocked in high-end stores, others purchase the same in different shops for lower prices but the two stores may be selling identical products…
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Perceptions of Quality
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In my opinion, quality has to do with the considered levels of perfection, completeness or wholesomeness of a product or services. The concept of quality is, however, relative and quite circumstantial particularly on a personal level since what is quality in one situation, may not be considered as such in a different one. For instance, someone used to wearing expensive designer label clothes might find the ordinary store-bought apparel to be of poor quality; however, another person who has not had such privileges may decide the store clothes are of high quality.

Quality is a highly desirable concept that is normally and sometimes wrongly associated with money especially in matters of ostentation goods. The word is normally used in business and advertising by firms that wish to convince their customers that their products and services are the best. However, despite the term being relative, in many commodities, the standards of the quality set are quite inflexible and have to be enforced. This is because the quality of goods such as food, medicines and construction materials cannot be compromised and for any of these and other commodities whose misuse could lead to damage or loss of life and property.

One of the main hindrances to achieving the achievement of quality standards is the increasing rate at which goods are pirated, and fake products are passed for real products. This costs the manufactures millions each year and risks customer’s lives by selling them substandard goods.

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Perceptions of Quality Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 Words.
“Perceptions of Quality Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 Words”, n.d.
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