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MGMT 4350 Leading Organizational Change - Essay Example

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However, after a critical analysis of the two terms one comes to realize that the two words are not interchangeable. Change management refers to the tools and structures that are used when…
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MGMT 4350 Leading Organizational Change
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Distinction between Change Management and Change Leadership People often confuse between the meaning of change management and change leadership. However, after a critical analysis of the two terms one comes to realize that the two words are not interchangeable. Change management refers to the tools and structures that are used when performing some changes so that the disruption brought about by the change is regulated and controlled. Change leadership, on the other hand, means the forces that spar or propel changes, this forces also ensure that the changes are made in the right direction (Kotter, 2011).

A change leader should possess certain qualities including the ability to understand the change barriers that they are bound to encounter; this will help avert disasters before they happen. A change leader should also be able to lead the organization through the change and enhance unity while at it. Providing resources and being an advocate for the people initiating change tends to be a crucial quality. A great change leader should also be able to create a reasonable timeline for the change which will be realized, and the whole organization will follow ( National Institutes of Health, 2015).

A change manager too has qualities that he/she needs to possess. One of the key qualities is that a change manager should be able to mobilize the entire institution through the change process. Also, he/she should be able to hard-wire the changes into the organization. He/she should be able to structure a learning program to ensure that the change is sustained. Being able to communicate strategically and consistently will also be a key feature of a great change manager.ReferencesNational Institutes of Health.

(2015, May 29). Office of Human Resources at the National Institute of Health. Retrieved from Hr.od., J. (2011, December 7). Change Management vs. Change Leadership -- Whats the Difference? Retrieved from

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