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Facebook - Effectiveness of Communication in the Social Media - Essay Example

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The paper "Facebook - Effectiveness of Communication in the Social Media"  argues the named network has enhanced connection and information flow worldwide. Nevertheless, the issues to do with information privacy are quite alarming; the confidentiality of social networking sites should be enhanced…
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Facebook - Effectiveness of Communication in the Social Media
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Facebook Facebook Effectiveness of communication in the social media The social networking sites like Facebook involves various positive societal effects. Facebook enhances easier reach to large groups of people simultaneously. People create new friendship as well as reconnect with various people using the networking sites. People also take advantage of the websites due to the ability of reaching millions of people (Lee & Ingraffea, 2007). Experts argue that effective communication can be achieved among users of social networking sites such as Facebook. The social media sites enhance the connection with the targeted audience. This entails posting or getting the discussion started, and then coordinating the protest march. Getting the discussion started regulates the extremity of the responses, where people share information and knowledge regarding certain issues. Online regulation of information enhances closeness between various groups of people. Users give their comments and ideas regarding an issue if only guided at the beginning; otherwise, the effectiveness may be distorted since different people possess diverse views and objectives in their use of social networking sites (Lee & Ingraffea, 2007). The regular plug is effective in promoting the effective communication for Facebook users. The regular signing in enhances build-up of one community. This also promotes interaction since a person can confirm availability through saying something. Facebook hosts over 800 million users out of which only 50% log on daily. It is critical that people take advantage to interact daily with their community as well as engage their community so as to announce their presence. Authenticity enhances effective communication where a person writes and comments anything without any fear, regardless of the location. The person’s values clearly show up from the posts, and this is critical when posting a link, communicating with a certain group, or when responding to a topic (Lee & Ingraffea, 2007). Brevity is critical in order to keep ones words concise and to the point. Brevity forms a vital component of the social media literacy. Research by Buddy Media indicates that Facebook posts with over 80 characters possess 27% change of engagement. Research indicates that people often get tired after the first minute of reading. Consideration of Facebook as a public space is critical where a person should not comment on anything he or she cannot say in public, and people should be positive when using the social networking site. Every person may have unpleasant experiences; however, this should not necessarily be posted in the social networking site; either out of anger, revenge or malice (Torres-Salinas, 2008). Effects of Facebook on Privacy The security of individual private information depends on the corresponding security which protects it. The recent increased in Facebook accessibility allows for viewing of private information from other individuals. Usefulness of Facebook is unquestionable; people use it in connecting with friends and other interest groups. Unfortunately, Facebook has had problems in management of the user privacy. Any person subscribing to Facebook risks the privacy to their personal data. Putting so many personal data in the internet risks the privacy to that data; facebook users experience stalking from their friends. Other experience scams where their identity based on their status and comments on Facebook get lost. This upsets the users and many cases recorded on people taking advantage of other based on the Facebook comments increase (Acquisti & Gross, 2006). Some employers use the Facebook accounts for their prospects in determining the validity of the applications. Mostly, this is an intrusion of one’s privacy where the information about an individual is accessed without their consent. Most people fail to analyze the private and public information. The observation results from the personal information posted on most Facebook pages on people profile indicate a complete lack of privacy to personal information (Acquisti & Gross, 2006). Significant challenges Sheryl Sandberg may face the challenges of role conflicts where the peers fail to perform their assigned duties and roles. This may result from lacking proper definition of the roles and poor team structure. Also, differences in expertise may be a serious challenge. Some peers may consider themselves more educated and with much more expertise to receive instructions from their fellow peer, who might be having less education honors. Also, the time may be a key factor challenging the communication. Summoning all the peers during working hours might be quite problematic. Also, giving the chance to every person to express their views regarding certain issues, and responding to such issues might be impossible. On the other hand, resources can be inadequate for effective communication to take place. Communicating to every person may be costly (Acquisti & Gross, 2006). As a result of these challenges, Sheryl should contemplate opening a Facebook page for all the peers in the organization. They can then post whatever she wants in that page. This will enable her reach all the peers cheaply, faster and effectively. She can respond to all the comments and questions raised by the peers regarding the issue posted. The response may involve liaising with the management, and this way, she will hand over the grievances of the other peers to the management who respond appropriately (Acquisti & Gross, 2006). Further Research Mark Zuckerberg founded Facebook from his college room with his roommates, Chris Hughes and Dustin Moskovitz in 2004. Zuckerberg set the overall product strategy and direction for Facebook, and he leads the core infrastructure and technology towards development of the design for Facebook’s service. Zuckerberg attended Harvard University where he studied computer science prior to founding Facebook. In Harvard, he created the Facemash, which is a website for comparing the dorm photos for students, on side-by-side mode. As a result, the administration in Harvard was against it, and he faced several disciplinary actions. He thereafter developed Facebook in less than three months (Torres-Salinas, 2008). Few CEOs at his age face media scrutiny; being the CEO of such a powerful company requires determination and leadership qualities. Mark Zuckerberg is determined to see the success of his company. For instance, in September 2010, he donated $100 million to Newark Public School to enhance the renovation and revamping of the system (Torres-Salinas, 2008). The communication between him and his firm worldwide is critical in inspiring people. Mark Zuckerberg is the youngest billionaire worldwide. He is considered as ‘accidental billionaire’ whose rise to the top inspires other several young entrepreneurs. According to him, money is not the driving force for success but thinking big, starting small, believing in oneself, following ones passion, being prepared for criticism, being diligent, bravery in daring the giants, focus, taking risks, and sticking to the process. His emergence as the youngest billionaire is not accidental; Mark deserves the position because he dreamed it, worked it out and planned it. He was true to his passion in fulfilling the Facebook mission. His success is not by any means luck (Torres-Salinas, 2008). Zuckerberg has made extraordinary achievement in his life. His determination saw his survival amidst critics. He decided to hold on to Facebook since he believed his billionaire wealth was locked in his company, and that he would hold on to it until it gave the best. Zuckerberg was liked because of his humor, irreverence and confidence; this indicated that he knew what he was doing. This self confidence remains as his grand depictions of his achievements, which compare his work in human relations, and the Renaissance map-maker (Torres-Salinas, 2008). As an executive coach, the constructive feedback I would give to Zuckerberg is that the energy and time he devoted in preparing and coming up with this social networking site is not in vain. The network has enhanced connection and information flow between people worldwide. Nevertheless, the issues to do with information privacy are quite alarming; perhaps, this can be checked to enhance the confidentiality of your social networking site. References Acquisti, A., & Gross, R. (2006). Imagined Communities: Awareness, Information Sharing, and Privacy on the Facebook. In Golle, P. and Danezis, G. (Eds. Proceedings of 6th Workshop on Privacy Enhancing Technologies, 36-58. Lee, J., & Ingraffea, A. (2007). Technology Acceptance and Social Networking in Distance Learning. Educational Technology & Society, 6(2), 50-61. Torres-Salinas, D. (2008). Mark Zuckerberg, Fundador De Facebook, En La Universidad De Navarra. El Profesional De La Informacion 17(6), 681-84. Read More
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