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Panera Bread Video Case Study - Essay Example

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Name Professor Course Date Panera Bread Video Case Study Video Summary The Panera Bread Video is a demonstration of the growth and strategies of a business that has managed to remain competitive since its inception. The demonstration generally addresses the operations of the company and how its management team has managed to implement changes in its various operations…
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Panera Bread Video Case Study
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The case is relevant to the analysis of the various concepts of management given that the CEO manages to address various concepts of management. Connecting management functions Effectiveness & Efficiency The video relates to the concept of effectiveness and efficiency in the sense that the CEO noted that the company has managed to maintain quality in its products. The CEO highlights the fact that there is standardization of quality across all the branches of the company in efforts to reduce duplication.

In terms of efficiency, the company saves on time by delivering its services on time without much delay. The video highlights employees of the company engaging in various activities in haste. Four functions of management and the order in which managers perform each function Planning Planning involves the manager determining the goals of the business and how the business is going to achieve such goals. This is based on the vision and mission statement of the company. In the case of Panera Bread, the company established a vision at the start of the business and has managed to follow the vision all through (Lipman 19).

Organizing Organizing involves managers allocating resources and assigning employees tasks that are in line with the achievement of the company vision. . Panera Bread CEO is such a great leader because of his working style. He spends a great deal of his time around the business and this motivates his employees towards delivering quality services. Controlling Controlling involves monitoring of performance to ensure that the goals of the company are being met. The CEO of Panera Bread notes that the business has been critical on the issue of expanding its operations because they want the business to meet its visions.

There is the use of customer feedback in an effort to match results with performance. Reflections on insights, ideas and questions The greatest insight from the Panera Bread Video case study is that the survival of a business majorly depends on is vision. Vision outlines the expected achievement of the business within a predetermined time period (Lipman 20). The CEO of Panera Bread noted that the company has managed to pursue its vision that it had determined when the company was being incorporated.

This has had the effect of ensuring that the business puts its focus on its objectives. It is no wonder that Panera Bread has remained relevant and competitive for a long period of time. The other insight is that a successful business should incorporate the mentality of people serving people instead of people serving the business. Panera Bread CEO notes that this ensures that the business exists for the sake of serving customers and getting them satisfied. There is also the idea that entrepreneurs should be passionate about doing business in addition to having the desire to make money out of the business.

This ensures that the business owner gives out the best of his or her potential and that there is active involvement in the operations of the business (Lipman 23). Despite being the

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