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The Vision of Outpatient Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation Services - Term Paper Example

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This paper "The Vision of Outpatient Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation Services" provides an analysis of current issues and policies present in health care management that impact the vision of Outpatient Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation Services. …
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The Vision of Outpatient Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation Services
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? CURRENT ISSUES AND POLICIES IN HEALTH CARE MANAGEMENT THAT IMPACT ON THE VISION OF OUTPATIENT PHYSICAL THERAPY AND REHABILITATION SERVICES. Professor Institution: Course Date This paper provides an analysis of current issues and policies present in health care management that impact on the vision of Outpatient Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation Services. It further provides an application of economic theory, strategy and practice in domestic and global environments. The aim is to present a strategy of incorporating theses issues to promote effective interaction with multiple cultures, ethical systems, and the economic environment. Consequently it shows hot information technology influences the structure and processes of the organization and policies that impact the project. Physical therapy is a health care profession that deals with the identification and maximization of the quality of life through prevention, diagnosis, treatment, and rehabilitation. It involves an active interaction between the therapist, patient, families, community and other health professionals/providers. It is in this field that Outpatient Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation Services (OTPRS) operates. OTPRS offers both physical therapy (neck and back, shoulder, elbow, wrist, hand, hip, knee and ankle), and specialty programs (occupational and hand therapy, vestibular/ balance program, sports medicine, work related injuries, medical gym, chronic pain management, massage therapy, women’s health). In order to fit and remain competitive in the market, OTPRS has laid down strategies to incorporate the current issues and policies in US and the world. This is due to the realization that globalization as a modern issue demands for expansion of economic interdependence as a conscious state and organization strategy (Mastanduno, 2001). United States has modeled itself into a modern epitome of democracy with a good social, economic and political facet that is admired by many. The result has been an influx of people into US seeking employment, citizenship, health care and education. These people are from a different culture of the world. In order to incorporate this new group of potential clientele, OTPRS has embarked on an expansion project that seeks to study these new markets in line with their ethical and cultural backgrounds. However, it draws caution of the looming effect of new competition from Asian Tigers who offer cheaper therapeutic services to the market. This has prompted the organization to upscale its standard of operation to offer competent services without necessarily having to lower prices. OTPRS is aware of an increase in the aging population in United States. There has been a constant 12.4 percentage increase in the number of persons 65 years of age and above (CDC, 2004). The population is characterized with functional limitation and a high prevalence of chronic diseases, hence, a high demand for therapeutic services. This trend has forced the company to expand its capacity in service provision though its 5 centers (Auburn, Covington, Covington Satellite, Maple Valley and Kent) and its online program. Through its online program, a patient can request for an appointment, pay their bills online, or even refer another patient to the organization. OTPRS operates in the health care industry with three major payers: government (Federal, State and local; employers and the health care consumers. Trends of consumption have shown that services that are covered with insurance and payment methods are consumed more that the ones borne by the customers. However, Medicare is now available to almost all of the American aging population. This is a positive aspect in the healthcare industry and will impact positively on players such as OTPRS. One of the regulations in the US health care industry is ‘The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPPA) of 1996’. It is the major regulatory policy that affects organizations that provide services to consumers within the United States (NetIQ, 2005). Others include the Patient Safety Quality Act of 2005 and The Privacy Act of 1974. An organization within the industry must acquaint itself and align its operations within the regulations to avoid fines. One of the issues facing OTPRC is the respect for privacy like any other player in the health care profession; its personnel are guided by the Hippocratic Oath. The organization has to align its online service provision with the privacy issue. The need for privacy and necessity to reach a wider market base compelled the organization to put in place a department on IT as part of its management structure. The department has put in place plans to upgrade its security policy management so that the privacy of data of patients is maintained. This will help the organization to operate within the regulations that govern the health care industry- such as HIPAA and the Privacy Act 1974 (NetIQ, 2005). In as much as the Hippocratic Oath binds them not to divulge information, there are instances where a therapist may be compelled by professional circumstances to do so. For instance, it is relevant for personnel in OTPRS to discuss and share information with other health care providers also the relatives of a patient. The benefit of this is to enhance proper care and attention to a patient. On the other hand, IT has its own share of problems. One of the biggest challenges in the IT industry has been the issue of hacking information. In as much as measures are put in place, hacking remains an enormous challenge to users of IT services. Costs associated with the use of electronically based service provision are high. It results in an increase in spending of providers such as OTPRS. The IT department is responsible for the search for solutions to the problem of hacking and reveal of patients’ information. It has also put in place a private policy to safeguard the confidentiality of its clients. Health care is a cross cutting issue across the three spheres of life- social, political and economic. A healthy society is economically productive to make wise political decisions and enhance continuance of a society through procreation. In order to have a healthy society; a focused political governance is required to put in place sound legislations, policies and measures for economic growth, and appropriate health care provision for the citizens. Once this is done, the citizens will have access to affordable health care such as therapy and rehabilitation services. References CDC. (2004). Health Care in America :Trends in Utilization. Web. US Department of Health and Human Sciences. Retrieved from Mastanduno, M. (2001). Economic Engagement Strategies: Theory and Practice. Michigan: University of Michigan Press. NetIQ. (2006). Addressing Regulatory Compliance in the Healthcare Industry. California: NetIQ Corporation. Read More
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