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Entrepreneurial Strategy: How the Eagles Followed the Numbers to the Super Bowl - Article Example

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This article "Entrepreneurial Strategy: How the Eagles Followed the Numbers to the Super Bowl" presents an article narrating how the Eagles made use of data to predict they're possible wins in the future games. The strategy they used is the same used by companies to gain an advantage…
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This paper is going to analyze some of the strategies they used as they relate to entrepreneurial strategy. The first strategy the Eagles used was models which help to determine the moves of the opponent to improve their chances of winning. Organizations study the business models of their competitors to understand their operations (Shpigel, Par.7). This way they can identify their loopholes and maximize on them. Hence having the upper hand in the market. Sean O’Leary uses models whereby he identifies some of the possible moves the team can make.

This helps to increase their chances of winning. The next strategy was the use of data in decision-making. For any organization to succeed it needs to make decisions based on the data collected in its target market (Shpigel, Par.11). This helps to boost their chances of increasing their market base and profit. Frigo together with his colleagues had recommendations to the team based on their previous games. This helped the team make changes in areas that needed changes. They also came up with strategies based on hypothetical situations.

This helped the Eagles to be well prepared for any situation. In the business world, organizations are advised to always have a backup plan since the market is not dynamic.

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