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Life in the Iron Mills by Rebecca Harding Davis - Essay Example

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This essay analyzes the novel "Life in the Iron Mills" written by Rebecca Harding Davis. The narrative is based on three major themes, Davis emphasizes the theme of poverty and deplorable working conditions of the steel mill workers. It is a theme that recurs throughout the novel…
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Life in the Iron Mills by Rebecca Harding Davis
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The theme of Christian-religious moralism and redemption at the end of the novel helps to show how desperate the workers were in their attempts to end their struggles and suffering. It helps support the major theme of poverty and desperation. In conclusion, these two themes only support the central theme of poverty and poor working conditions. In both Henry Colton’s mountain scenery and Charles Frazier’s Nightwoods, several North Carolina traits are displayed. First, an emphasis has been put on the landscape of this region.

In Frazier’s work, for instance, the mountains are described through the eyes of Bud as being ‘flat against the sky’, and appear to be simple and compact. However, as Frazier clarifies, it is a big region with more space and three dimensional. Secondly, Frazier also offers a description of the culture and traditions of the region. Specifically, the author illustrates the culture of violence through the main character, Bud. Frazier appears to describe how the region has for a long time been characterized by violence, and this is depicted by Bud.

The region is also described in terms of its traditions and culture. When describing the Asheville region, the author states that it is a pleasant and busy village, comprised of ‘intelligent and hospitable’ people. The author shows the readers the cultural values of the societies in the North Carolina region. The author uses the concept of history and storytelling in describing the North Carolina region.. In conclusion, these two themes only support the central theme of poverty and poor working conditions.

Prompt 3 In both Henry Colton’s mountain scenery and Charles Frazier’s Nightwoods, several North Carolina traits are displayed. First, an emphasis has been put on the landscape of this region. In Frazier’s work for instance, the mountains are described through the eyes of Bud as being ‘flat against the sky’, and appear to be simple and compact. However, as Frazier clarifies, it is a big region with more space and three dimensional (Frazier, 225). Secondly, Frazier also offers a description of the culture and traditions of the region.

Specifically, the author illustrates the culture of violence through the main character, Bud. Frazier appears to describe how the region has for a long time been characterized with violence, and this is depicted by Bud, a scary villain. In Colton’s work, the region is also described in terms of its traditions and culture. For instance, when describing the Asheville region, the author states that it is a pleasant and busy village, comprised of ‘intelligent and hospitable’ people (Colton, 17).

The author clearly shows the readers the cultural values of the societies in the North Carolina region. Furthermore, the author uses the concept of history and storytelling in describing the North Carolina region. For example, the historical nature of Asheville is given, including its originality and governance. Colton’s work also focuses on the landscape and nature of this region. Throughout the book, the author gives readers a description of the various physical features found in this region, including mountains, cliffs and waterfalls.

This is trait that is also found in

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