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How Is Bartleby a Response to Emerson - Essay Example

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The paper "How Is Bartleby a Response to Emerson" states that the story provides an elaborate provision in the virtual context. The authors expose credible concerns in society in the realms of growth and development. This is a considerable provision when considered critically…
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How Is Bartleby a Response to Emerson
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Bartleby is brought as a scrivener in the law office. He is allocated a desk in the law office to have him out of sight of his employer. Even as Thoreau was close to concord, but was somewhat isolated from him having sat behind a screen near the boss’ desk. It is vital to understand that Bartleby hardly handled his errands instead his work is done by Nippers as well as Turkey. Thoreau apparently, resided in the land of Emerson; where a given person paid for his tax dues to keep him off jail. In contrast, Thoreau was dependent on the kindness of others revealing a self-deficiency in? Bartleby, on the other hand, was reluctant on living off the charity of the lawyer, the narrator while doing no work in return.
The narrator gets used to the irritating nature of Bartleby; he commits a self-centered error by imagining that he could be the cause of Bartleby’s condition. He sympathizes with him and goes to the extent of thinking of a way to help him. He sees Bartleby as a good worker as compared to Nippers and Turkey. He is full of pity for Bartleby something which grows to melancholy and even charity. He offers Bartleby a place in his house when he is kicked out of the law premises. He imagines how depressing Bartleby’s life is and how Bartleby would die a painful death unattended. Philosophically, transcendentalism is brought out. This explains the concept that all creation is born with truth and that the knowledge of its existence is intuitive and not rational. The opposition to this idea is well presented when the narrator asks for a “reasonable” explanation of Bartleby’s nature and he replies,” can you not see the reason for yourself?”

Conflicting ethics
At times the narrator shows mercy, compassion, sympathy, and even charity. He transcends the Wallstreet ethics when characterwise, he adopts something which he changes later on. In the close evaluation of the narrator, he seems to continually defend himself against two things; he is too hard-hearted, and he is too soft-hearted. Initially, he conforms more to the homological time something which he later changes to be more into chronometrical time.
Poe: Fall of the house of usher;
The plot involves the death of a woman who dies and is buried but allegedly she escapes from her grave. This triggers the question of she died. Usher screams, “We have put her living in the tomb!”Madeline is thought to have died and risen as a vampire. Usher exhibits vampire qualities; he does not face the sunlight and seems to avoid most food. However, a more realistic version is that Madeline was mistakenly dead and probably managed to escape her tomb, typically the line between life and death is a fine one.
Abraham Lincoln
“House divided” speech talks about the government, which at that time was divided with two major problems of slavery and the country’s independence being the main factors. He says that operating the government as two entities is impossible. His tone is reconciliatory. He is pro-federalism.” The second inaugural” speech is about divine providence, his tone is a sad one. He tries to explain that God’s plan for man is not predictable. This speech was inspired by war and he wondered why God allowed happening with its consequences seemingly inevitable.
Walt Whitman: Preface to Leaves of Grass and Assigned Poems
The preface speaks about the American people. America symbolizes freedom for all citizens and not for the Whiteman only but also for women and black slaves. This is a critical provision in the context of equality and other considerable provisions in the American context. He wanted the elite to hear him, rich Whiteman. He needs the rich to see America through the eyes of the people. This is capable of making America a unique country. He used rhetorical pauses. He wanted the rights of women upheld, “the churches erected to confer the aspects of resentment shall be the churches of all genders” He wanted slavery abolished and for all Americans to unite, he loved the African Americans ‘story of faith, “they never relented on believing, expecting as well as trusting.” This is a considerable provision in the entire context as indicated before. Read More
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