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Web Site Plan For Charity Organization - Essay Example

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This essay "Web Site Plan For Charity Organization" analyze that the website is the platform for the useful discussion of people from different schools of thoughts. Charity website is the center for those people who seek the money available there…
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Web Site Plan For Charity Organization
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Web Site Plan for Charity Organization First Computer sciences and Information technology d Web Site Plan for Charity Organization Introduction: Website development involves various people and their activities from the start to a successful launch. This work is aimed to answer the significant questions about planning of a website for a charity organization. What other features might benefit this site? The very important feature for web site plan is cause. The better cause can give best impact in the making a good impression of the web site.

Contents are another source of website that attracts more users. Unique contents made viewer to see the website in detail. Website is the platform for the useful discussion of people from different schools of thoughts. Charity website is the center for those people who seek the money available there. Stories of different people who work for a Charity home are available. Comments of those people who benefit from the Charity homes are also shown there. Donation sent report is also displayed weekly, monthly or annually there.

(Stanger et al., 2012) What are three examples of sites to visit as benchmark? What other stakeholders could have been consulted? Stakeholders are the person or group or organization that makes affect or can be affected by organizations’ actions. All people have any type of relationship with the web site come under the definition of the stakeholder. Some of them are primary stake holders, who are directly linked with website basic work.

For example, web development team, management of the organization, the people providing funds, etc. Some are secondary like the affected people who use the funds, the people providing services to affected people (doctors, nurses, etc). Another type of stake holder is legal stakeholder, who is involved in terms of money, document or property. Common types of stakeholders include as the community interest, corporate stakeholders, website development team, affected people and funds provides. (Stanger et al., 2012) What are potential legal issues to consider for the Web site?

Copyright issue: The legal right on any self made thing is known as copyright. In the website, copyright is very important issue. The content or material available on the website must be original in nature. Domain name concern: Domain named is the address of the website and it should be unique for websites. Same names are not possible. Trademark concern: The word, image, symbol or slogans to represent the thing or service are known as trademark. It is also unique for every item or service. Linking and framing: Links between pages of World Wide Web.

The content of the webpage is presented in the frames. All frames must group to form full content. Defamation: the false statement made for someone or some organization. Data Protection: The privacy policy is also legal issue concerning the website. Information provided should be according to the data protection act. Information provided by the visitors of a website must be presented appropriately. Disclaimer: It is ensured that website provides information, and there is no any legal advice. What additional presentation aids could have helped Seamus make a positive impression?

Additional information for the improvement of website is as follow: Website with graphics is not heavier. Using the dynamic pages will also aid performance improvement in the website. Addition of a sitemap helps the user to search out the exact information in the website. Inclusion of the relevant contents on the home page and other pages of website are essential for Seamus to make the positive impression of the website. User needs the answers of their expected questions. Therefore, frequently asked questions (FAQs) must be embedded with answers of most common questions.

(Stanger et al., 2012) Conclusion: In this paper, the questions relevant to planning of a website for the charity organization have been answered. Benefits, stakeholders’ involvement, benchmark websites, legal issues, and additional presentation aids of a website are also summarized. References: Stanger, J., Hopkins, T., Kozakis, A.K., Lane, M.S., and Skodak, S. (2012). Site Development Associate Academic Student Guide, Web Foundations Series, Version 2.0. Certification Partners, LLC.

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“Web Site Plan For Charity Organization Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 Words”, n.d.
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