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Film Industry's Role in Informing the Public - Essay Example

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The paper "Film Industry's Role in Informing the Public" states that the occurrence of the world wars invited the creation of a number of movies to elaborate the cause and effects of the battles. Hollywood produced movies reflecting Americans' life before, during, and after the Pearl Harbor attack…
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Film Industrys Role in Informing the Public
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War Films The film industry plays a key role in informing the public about various events that take place in the society. For example, the occurrence of the world wars invited the creation of a number of movies to elaborate the cause and effects of the battles. Similarly, in the mid 1900s, Hollywood produced movies reflecting on the social life of the Americans before, during and after the Pearl Harbor attack. This is evidence in movies such as From Here to Eternity and Pearl Harbor, which significantly interrupted people’s lives. The movies detail so many things that relate to the times in which the wars took place. It is evident that before the Pearl Harbor attack, both civilians and soldiers experienced varied social conflicts. For that reason, there is a struggle between the opposing ends. In the movie From Here to Eternity, there is a conflict between soldiers of high ranks and those of lower ones. According to the plot of the movie, the low-ranking officials feel that the high-ranking officers abuse their authority. As a result, they regularly show opposition to this behavior. A good example presents itself through Prewitt, who apart from being a low-ranking officer is, according to this movie, depicted as a just and cultured person. Contrarily, some military officers especially those of higher ranks find especial delight in mistreating him. In response, he defies their command as a way of defending his dignity (James Jones, From Here to Eternity). In addition, the movies reveal that a conflict existed between the men and women as to who is superior to another in a marriage union. The movies portray males as irresponsible parties as far as marriage is concerned. It shows that men perceive women as lesser partners in marital affairs, and this leads to a struggle by women to win respect in the society. At times, when this degradation is too much, women resort to revenge as a way of consoling their ego. For example, Karen, Captain Dana’s wife, is considerably bitter about her marriage, given the fact that her husband undermines her dignity, both as an individual as well as a wife. In response, she openly shows disrespect for the husband and goes about having affair with other men as a way of retaliation. Karen exemplifies civilians who fight to protect their dignity. Concisely, the movies portray the American society riddled with social corruption, at both the military and civic level, and it was only until the attack that a number of positive changes took place. The movies show that during the war, men, instead of partaking in immoral and socially degrading acts, embarked on the war itself. Soldiers no longer had time engaging in sexual acts with prostitutes, as by this time, they resorted to being serious with military activities. On the other hand, women got committed to family matters such as taking care of children, and no more had time for engaging in retaliatory or rather immoral acts, like those of Karen. Additionally, military officers felt the need of fair treatment for all members regardless of their ranks. This marked the beginning of an end to social discrimination among the American citizens. They developed a sense of togetherness among themselves. As a result, they had unity of purpose. It is at this point that prostitutes become hosts and brothels develop into nightclubs. Furthermore, some of the junior soldiers who underwent unfair trial and sentences before the war receive pardon and serve in the military freely. On the contrary, senior officers who initially abused their authority are forced to resign. In short, the society at this point recognizes the importance of positive coexistence. On the other hand, women receive dignity in the society. Men no longer view them as objects for manipulation, but rather, key participants in the achievements of a progressive society. For example, Karen’s actions suggest that women, just like men, also have the right to receive love and respect. Evidently, the society after the war is largely different from that before the war. Those who once felt oppressed all of a sudden become free, as is seen in the case of women and junior officers. Even so, despite the positive changes in the social arena, there were still some emerging conflicts such as social class. This is a case where members who fall within the same economic bracket interact among themselves. Largely, the richer members of the society discriminate those in lower classes. As a result, there is a struggle by the poor to voice their opinions adequately in the society (John Ford, December 7 - Documentary of the Attack on Pearl Harbor). In addition, there is emergence of crime, where members who feel that the society discriminates against them use force to earn themselves pleasure to offset the gap between them and their oppressors. These movies present a number of teachings to the audience especially the American citizens. Primarily, they warn people about the damaging effects of war. All the movies, Pearl Harbor, Tora Tora and From Here to Eternity, depict war as an evil act whose grave consequences are loss of life and property. Additionally, the people of the succeeding generations are warned against discrimination of any kind, whether at civic or military level, so is to abuse of authority. According to the directors of the movies, the above mentioned practices hinder human progress and need to be curbed at all cost so that a repeat of what in shown in the war films does not occur. Besides, the movies encourage positive correlation among members in the society. Senior officials in the military need to respect their juniors if at all they want to be at peace, otherwise the consequences might be more harmful than beneficial. Precisely, for an organization to achieve its objectives there must be unity of purpose and high level of discipline by each member. However, even low ranking members in a society are also warned from discriminating their equals as witnessed in From Here to Eternity. It warns the society to respect marriage, and each partner has to perform his or her responsibility effectively and efficiently. This is supported by the fact that the movies affirm that the after-effects of negligence in marriage are highly painful (James Jones). As revealed in the movies, America between 1943 and 1953 experienced several changes especial in the social platform. Before the attack, the society has several social rifts among its citizens. For example, before wars, sexual or gender, racial and economic lines split America (John Ford). Ten years later, the nation unites regardless of race, gender or any other form of anti-social classification or grouping. People from varied races, gender, and economic levels interact freely without any sense of exploitation or discrimination. A united America in which people from different cultures feel like they are all equal individuals is born. The Future of US by Looking At Pearl Harbor In 1970 By 1970s, nearly every American felt more American than his or her country of descent. In addition, no American felt equal than other did, as was the case during the mid twentieth century. Every citizen, regardless of his or her occupational rank, gender, race or country of origin and many more are no longer subjected to differential judgment but are instead seen as equal members of the society. At this stage, America evidently has a brighter future (Larry Forrester and Hideo Oguni). In conclusion, the Pearl Harbor attack played a major role in the social changes that took place in America thereafter. It is agreeable that it was not the fall of a great nation but, rather, the awakening of a sleeping giant. As can be seen from the movies, America embarked on strengthening its weak points, such as the social boundaries that existed among its citizens. It is worth noting that, the wars, especially the Pearl Harbor attack greatly contributed to the establishment of a concrete social system in America. Works Cited Jones, James. “From Here to Eternity.” 26 August 2012. Online video clip. Djoi0901. Ford, John. “December 7 - Documentary of the Attack on Pearl Harbor.” 10 April 2013. Online video clip. FullWarMovies. Forrester, Larry and Hideo Oguni. “Tora! Tora! Tora!” 1970. Online video clip. Read More
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