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Reflections on the Montgomery Bus Attack - Essay Example

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The essay "Reflections on the Montgomery Bus Attack" focuses on the critical analysis of the reflections on the Montgomery bus attack. Rosa Park was a poor seamstress living in Montgomery during the 1950s; a time that was defined by segregation in most parts of the United States…
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Reflections on the Montgomery Bus Attack
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She was asked to give up her seat but protested and declined. She was arrested for her stubbornness. Soon after, a boycott ensued with African Americans refusing to board buses unless everyone would be treated equally. 

This boycott has since been documented as a pivotal point for civil rights and contributed a lot to awareness of Rosa Parks. The first reason why the boycott succeeded was as a result of the unity among African Americans as they joined hands and refused to board buses; a move that caused serious economic strains on the Montgomery Bus Company. In addition, there had been rising protests by Africans for nearly a decade with most of them asking for fair treatment although these protests were predominantly reserved. At an earlier time, a student had protested like Rosa did but her case was not taken seriously as it involved assault. The act by Rosa can be viewed as one that instigated a boycott that ended as a success. 

Economic strains due to the action by African Americans' refusal to use buses and a backed-up insurgence that resulted due to Rosa’s imprisonment greatly contributed to African Americans enjoying equal privileges with Europeans.

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