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Leadership within Non-Profits (Identify a Non-Profit) - Essay Example

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Apart from its provision of disaster relief domestically it also it helps the needy through community service, comforts the military and members of their family, they…
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Leadership within Non-Profits (Identify a Non-Profit)
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Leadership in Nonprofit organization (American Red Cross) American Red Cross offers emergency assistance, training, education, and disaster relief in the United States. Apart from its provision of disaster relief domestically it also it helps the needy through community service, comforts the military and members of their family, they provide communication service, they collect blood, process and distribute it, they give education on safety, preparedness and health. The American Red Cross also supports international relief.

Community donations and income from blood products and training is the main source of finance for this organization. The volunteers govern the American Red Cross. It is located in Washington. Bonnie McElveen- Hunter is the board of governors’ chairperson Gail J. McGovern is the current American red cross president. Leadership in the American Red cross aims at attracting sufficient funds or capital and making sound strategies. Due to this, the organization has strong leaders that aim to these goals (Jones 35).

The leaders in the American Red Cross use transformational skills, which is about thinking and understanding the problem in an organization. It is also about thinking, understanding, and setting the goals for employees. The goals set are challenging but workers can achieve them through hard work. This is important because without the challenging goals, employees or workers would not be motivated to extend their full effort to work. This achievement of challenging goals helps the leader to develop his leadership qualities and makes him better equipped to achieve hard tasks.

For instance, American Red Cross leadership has set out a fierce campaign to encourage people to donate blood and funds. This is done through the creation of awareness among the people both domestically and internationally. The American Red Cross process and distribute the collected blood. Transformational leadership at American Red Cross facilitates and redefines people’s vision and mission (Robbins 77). It also renews people’s commitment and restructures their systems to accomplish a certain goal.

Thus, a mutual relationship stimulates and elevates follower to become leaders. In addition, it may also convert leaders to become moral agents. Transformational leadership should therefore be grounded on moral foundation. For example, when disaster strikes the American Red Cross provides food, health, and shelter to ensure that victims have basic human needs and to enable the get back to the way things were (Jones 41-44). Leadership at the American Red Cross aims at fostering capacity development to bring higher personal level of commitment among followers in relation to the organizational objectives.

For transformational leadership to take place, leaders must elevate and broaden interests for their employees. It may also occur after acceptance and awareness of purpose and mission for the specific group has been generated (Epstein 36). The leaders may also stir his or her employees and look beyond self-interests to cater for the group. Mutual capacity and commitment help in leading greater productivity and additional efforts. In addition, encourages employee motivation in that in situations where employee motivation is low, it affects their commitment towards work.

The management should convey the vision of the firm to employees by stating what the firm aims to achieve in the future. Works CitedEpstein, Kevin. American Red Cross: A case study. Washington, DC: Contribute Magazine, 2007. Print. . Jones, Michael. The American Red Cross from Clara Barton to the New Deal. New York: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2013. Print. Robbins, Silas. Organizational behavior. Prentice: New York, 2008. Print.

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