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Iron Triangle Issues - Essay Example

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The essay "Iron Triangle Issues" focuses on the critical analysis of the major issues in the iron triangle, a term which was coined by United States Political analysts to explain the dynamic nature of making policies among the congress, governmental agencies, and special interest groups…
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Iron Triangle Issues
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This group always has the potential of creating a situation in which through lobbying, they go the extra mile in having undue influence on the government of the day. For instance, The National Rifle Association can strategically lobby to block proposed gun control measures. The iron triangle concept can come into play in such a scenario the politicians in any of the two congresses bow to the lobbyists and then in turn block initiatives like universal background checks. This would happen even if the majority of the voters support the proposed gun control measures.

Congress forms another corner of the Iron Triangle. In many instances, congress with the long-term scheme of winning elections exchanges what can be called friendly legislation with government agencies and bureaucrats. This can always happen in two ways. Firstly, the bureaucrats receive less oversight from congress which enables them to execute policy more freely. Secondly, agencies, special interest groups, and bureaucrats receive lowered regulation and special favors. As an example, a congressperson in the Agricultural Committee representing Midwest in the House representatives may lobby from the ethanol industry to support factual evidence on why it's beneficial to use corn in producing ethanol. If the ethanol industry sees the congressman’s policies to be beneficial, then they play a great part in lobbying selling the representative as a bet for corn farmers. This would in turn raise chances for reelection.

Government Agencies and bureaucracies form the third corner of the triangle. They have the main responsibility to implement the procedures and policies passed by Congress. Since congress is their key source of funding, they in some instances implement decisions that are in favor of congress even if those decisions are unpopular with the citizens. For instance, Amtrack can apply the dubious tactic of convincing congress to reduce truck regulations although this has a long time detrimental effect on the safety of train riders.

Having listed the three corners of the triangle, every corner brings out the egocentricity of politicians. They go against serving the popular will and give self-interest preeminence motivated by their greed for power. The special interest groups emerge as the most critical player in the three corners of the triangle. This is a result of the direct and immediate relationship they have with the citizen. For example, if the national Rifle Association convinces Congress to lower regulations on guns, then the impact of insecurity becomes immediate and the citizens become the most affected. Members of Congress in their quest to win the election may not take this as a major priority. Politicians by striking deals with every group in the corners of the triangle emerge as a group awash with malice.

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