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Proposal Funding - Assignment Example

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In any research or programing in public health one of the key components that enhances the project in funding that is a critical part for the project since it helps in the implementing the project. In order to get the required funds there is a need to come draft a project…
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Proposal Funding
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Proposal Funding: Funding for Public Health Projects Affiliation In any research or programing in public health one of the key components that enhances the project in funding that is a critical part for the project since it helps in the implementing the project. In order to get the required funds there is a need to come draft a project proposal that acts as a highlight of the different aspects of the project that one looks to develop. It is important therefore to ensure that one has drafted a good proposal that would attract the attention of the investors or the potential funders in the project.

There are however challenges in writing the proposal one of them being the lack of background information on the project and other related projects. A proposal requires some background information that would help the credibility of the project. However, if there is lack of background information it is difficult to come up with a good proposal (Day, 2013). Drafting the needed resources required in the project is also tricky since one may overestimate and lose the funding or underestimate and see the project fail to be fully implemented (Peterson, 2008).

It is therefore important to ensure that the resources required are well appropriated. Lack of ample information on the clientele is also a problem in coming up with the project requirements. In some cases the clientele may not be clearly recognized in the project making it difficult to write a proper proposal. The grant opportunity in this regard would be a grant towards the improvement of mental health in the country. The purpose of the grant opportunity is mainly to improve and broaden the delivery of individuals’ behavioral health.

This would be through improving and enhancing integrated health care model within the existing health centers. When looking for funding for the project to conduct a research on the Healthcare experiences of the Haitian population in the Boston area in regards to Mental Health due to their cultural beliefs the Center for Disease Control and Prevention acts as one of the agencies that can fund the project (Peterson, 2008). Through the National Association for Public Health and information systems (NAPHSIS) acts as the best form of funding that the project can find since it’s sponsored by the National Environmental Public Health Tracking Network.

ReferencesDay, A. (2013). Winning Research Funding. Burlington: Gower.Peterson, S. (2008). The Research Writers Phrase Book: A Guide to Proposal Writing and Research Phraseology. San Francisco: International Scholars Publications.

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