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The Most Important Thing to Tell to Child - Essay Example

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The paper "The Most Important Thing to Tell to Child" is a parent's letter to his child Neriah. first of all, the father wanted to reveal the secret of choosing his child's name. The parent was a true Christian, and that's why he give the kid a biblical name Neriah…
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The Most Important Thing to Tell to Child
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When bringing you up I applied different theories and principles in order to make sure that you grow as a good person. My principle is to abide by the Christian teaching and refuse what is evil. According to social learning theory, by Bandura, people learn behaviour whether good or bad from the people around them. I was much strict to make sure that you only learn the behaviour that is acceptable to the community and Christian teaching.

When you were only 15 years, you wanted to go out with your boyfriend but I opposed it. This is because it is not good to go out and have sex before marriage as it is forbidden by society and Christian teachings. When I noticed that this could come as a result of peer pressure or learned from your friend, I had to forbid you from interacting with bad people. This made you to even avoid class discussions and interaction with other students in the school. My parents used authoritarian parenting styles, and this has shaped my behaviour and enabled me to uphold religious and moral values.

In order for me to grow up with moral and Christian values, I had to apply the same principles and parenting styles my parents used. In the process of growing, you adopted different behaviour. When you were two years as described by Erikson, you could trust the environment and people around you. When I left, you could cry and calm down after I left. This showed that you could trust me as well as the sitter. You could also feel guilty when you do something wrong that is the third stage of development as explained by Erikson.

At age 15 you got a boyfriend, and you wanted to go out with him which is the six-stage marked by the development of isolation and intimacy. Your growth was well, and you passed through all developmental stages. In order to develop socialization, development and growth we should engage in social events like weddings, birthday parties and graduation parties among others. This will enhance our experience with people and develop the aspect of socialization as we interact with other people at parties.

In school, you are no not interested in interacting with other children and also you do not take part in class discussions. This is good because you have been able to avoid the evil like sexual immorality and alcoholism practised by most of the children of your age in society. The experience I gained with you makes me anxious when I meet with a group of other parents. I am also happy when interacting with other parents because I have raised you up with moral values. I know I could have offended you with my parenting style and the things which have denied you from getting because I did it for your own good.

Please forgive me. Regards, Parent

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