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Business of weightloss - Assignment Example

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South Beach Diet was developed by cardiologist Arthu Agatston in 2003 as a commercial product for encouraging healthy living and losing weight through generating an overall balance in the type of foods a person eats (Agatston, 7). South Beach Diet proposes eating of fewer…
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Business of weightloss
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Business of weight loss: South Beach Diet South Beach Diet was developed by cardiologist Arthu Agatston in 2003 as a commercial product for encouraging healthy living and losing weight through generating an overall balance in the type of foods a person eats (Agatston, 7). South Beach Diet proposes eating of fewer carbohydrates and high amounts of healthy fats and proteins, hence at times referred to as low-carbohydrate diet. South Beach Diet has three phases through which a person has to undergo a strict diet aimed at cleansing the body of sugars then reintroducing carbohydrates in healthy amounts reducing weight in the process (Agatston, 14).

There are certain principles that anchor the success of South Beach Diet as outlined in the sections below. Principles of energy balance The principle used is based on Glycaemic Index where carbohydrates are broken down into sugar after consumption and absorbed to the bloodstream resulting in high blood sugar causing the release of insulin to reduce it (Agatston, 18). In the first, phase South Beach Diet proposes a carbohydrate free diet that results in energy for the body and fat storage. Owing to the lack of carbohydrates, the body will retrieve stored fats and burn them to produce energy to ensure energy balance in the body is maintained leading to about 3.5 to 5.5 kg loss of weight.

To ensure energy balance is maintained in the body, gradual introduction of low glycemic foods and high fiber carbohydrates are reintroduced in the diet in phase two raising insulin levels at a slower rate than starchy carbohydrates. These food aids in supplementing the required energy for the body despite being on a weight loss program. Principles of weight maintenance After achieving the desired weight through phases 1 and 2 of the South Beach Diet, maintain the lifestyle principles of phase 1 and 2 is recommended however all the foods are eaten in moderation to avoid intake of more calories than is needed in the body.

The diet encourages intake of fruits and vegetables as well as fiber and whole grains to ensure healthy diet and maintenance of weight. At this stage, the diet recommends 3 servings o starch, 3 pieces o fruit, and at most 2 tablespoons of good fat to ensure that the weight remains at the desired level. Principles of Body composition and health Healthy living is the other aim of South Beach Diet and this is achieved through drinking 8 to 10 glasses of water a day, supplementing the body with minerals and vitamins with a recommendation of 500 mg of calcium for anyone below 50 years, and 1000 mg for women aged above 50 years.

Avoiding caffeinated drinks and alcohol is the other measure of maintaining a healthy body as envisaged in the South Beach diet. The diet recommends avoiding of saturate rich food and replacing them with olive oils and nuts, which are healthy monounsaturates to ensure healthy fats in the body (Agatston and Signorile 4). Eating large portions of proteins and vegetables and healthy foods are also aimed at ensuring body health and composition is maintained in the South Beach Diet. South Beach Diet principles and methods are scientifically sound owing to research on low GI-diets conducted by Cochrane Collaboration in 2009, where South Beach Diet is included shows that low GI diets result in high short-term weight loss.

The long-term weight loss benefits of South Beach Diet has not been scientifically tested. Archives of Internal Medicine in 2006 in a research on GI diets, low GI-diets have emerged better in weight loss than high GI-diets. Results of New England Journal of Medicine and Nutrition, Metabolism, and Cardiovascular Diseases in 2010 and 2007 American Journal of Clinical Nutrition all show high weight loss rates for low GI-diets showing that the principles and methods in South Beach Diet are scientifically sound as it is based on the low GI-diets (Agatston and Signorile 44).

I would recommend this weight loss diet to a client because of the lack of too many restrictions and the fact that the principles and methods in the diet are scientifically proven to work. The other reason is that this diet aids in reducing risk of cardiovascular diseases, helps in healthy living, and promotes exercising a way of keeping fit and losing weight. Work CitedAgatston, Arthur, and Joseph F. Signorile. The South Beach Diet Supercharged: Faster Weight Loss and Better Health for Life.

New York, NY: Rodale, 2008. Print. Agatston, Arthur. The South Beach Diet: The Delicious, Doctor-Designed, Foolproof Plan for Fast and Healthy Weight Loss. Emmaus, Penn: Rodale, 2003. Print.

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