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Human sexuality movie 2 - Essay Example

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They entail the conservative Christianity, which observe all the biblical procedures and conventions, which manipulate the moral concept of the human life. The group observes the…
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Human sexuality movie 2
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Human sexuality Human sexuality has been a key aspect in Christianity where the church divides into two groups. They entail the conservative Christianity, which observe all the biblical procedures and conventions, which manipulate the moral concept of the human life. The group observes the sanctity of marriage stating that God created a man to engage companionship with a woman. Therefore, it stands contrary to homosexuality. On the other side, the liberal Christians entail a group, which stands in the name of God in the church engaging practices contrary to the bible.

The homosexuals associate themselves with the group. The aspect has established a character where the bible is just a book to share, but not to administer its teaching and faith in truth and faith. “For The Bible Tells Me So” entails an American film, which explains the aspect of homosexuality and its conflicts with Christianity. Such conflicts entail a perspective where they invites the church to ratify the practice and associate it with race, gender, or nationalism. They request Christianity to engage freedom where the gays can marry.

On the contrary, the church argues that marriage is a sacred practice initiated by God and therefore gay marriage does not stand a chance. Further, they demand their acceptance in the church where they can undertake the respective religious practices in the liturgy among other doctrines of the church. It is evident that the church stands on the contrary arguing that such an act encompass hypocrisy, which is wrong before the eyes of God (Boone, 36). They advocate for allowance to engage church leadership through their involvement in the clergy.

However, the film argues that the clergy serves as a role model to the Christians where they should not be associated with homosexuality among other evil practices according to the biblical conventions.In a more critical review, the church has never considered the truth behind homosexuality where equality is a thorny aspect in the society. It is evident that many families live in challenges where the men engage dishonesty to the women on the aspect as well as the men to their women. It is evident that homosexuality solves the situation and protects the men from engaging certain diseases for instances, HIV AID.

Further, some residents in the society lose taste to the opposite gender after divorce where their conscience leads them to commit suicide since they cannot live alone. Evidently, the church should consider homosexuality in the sense that such a perception will protect the life of the person since they own effective potential, which can help different people in the globe. It is evident that jack to Jackie film establishes a certain perspective where homosexuality is not a matter of choice. It entails a psychological perception where a child is born with the physical characteristics of a boy while upstairs he upholds a girl’s character.

It emphasizes that the aspect endorse them to such a life where they end up in homosexual relations. It is evident that if such people are not allowed to pursue their conscience they kill themselves as jack tried to do. Such an aspect establishes innocence in gays where they do not engage it in a decisive approach, but due to mental effect. Fortunately, the parents ratified the aspect despite the drama in the society where they organized a surgery to effect a permanent reassignment of the gender.

Therefore, it is advisable that the church should provide a chance for homosexual acceptance. Such an aspect will entail observance of personal faith with God. Critically, the approach engages the church doctrines in a collective mechanism where every person associates his or her unique relationship with God. In such a practice, they will cope with the homosexual subgroup. On the other side, the homosexuals will attain their freedom in the church and share the bible with the conservatives.Work citedBoone, Kathleen C.

The Bible tells them so: The discourse of Protestant fundamentalism. SUNY Press, 1989.

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