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Cause and Effects of Obestity In America - Essay Example

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The change in traditional cultures and food that people consume are the main causes of obesity. A person is considered obese if their body mass index (BMI) exceeds certain…
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Cause and Effects of Obestity In America
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Cause and Effects of Obesity in America Obesity is an overweight disease associated with a lifestyle that has been on therise in US especially. The change in traditional cultures and food that people consume are the main causes of obesity. A person is considered obese if their body mass index (BMI) exceeds certain levels. Exceeding the set BMI shows that the person has abnormally high body weight due continuous storage of fat. The disease has continued to rise amid awareness raised for its cause in more than one decade.

Obesity has effects both to individual health as well as to the social life of individuals. There are increased risk in medical conditions when a person is obese than when they are healthy.Inactivity and food that people consume are the main cause of obesity. The disease is common in all American races and cultures. Over a period, exercise among Americans has reduced tremendously. Children play video games instead of the traditional games while other individuals use cars instead of walking (National Institute of Health).

This lack of exercise leads to an increase in fat deposition in the body over time that causes the individuals to be obese. The foods that Americans consume lead to the high rise of obesity. Most families experience financial pressures and have less time to prepare them hence consume fast food that are having high-fat content and calories. Other causes may also be genetics, overeating and slow metabolism (Stern & Alexandra 19).Being obese has both psychological and health effect on an individual.

In the health matters, the scientist has evidence that obesity increases the risk of certain diseases such as type 2 diabetes mellitus, heart disease, hypertension and stroke (Weiting 545). Hence, the condition leads to reduced life expectancy among obese individuals. Obesity has a psychological effect on affected individual especially children that may continue to their adult life. Most of the obese individuals are depressed, have low self-esteem and easily engage in drug abuse. These psychological effects are common among obese kids who find themselves left out in activities with other kids (Freedman 29).

Works CitedFreedman, Jeri. Understanding obesity: the mental and physical effects of obesity. New York: Rosen Pub, 2009. Print.National Institute of Health. “What causes overweight and obesity?” Web. May 22, 2015. Stern, Judith, and Alexandra Kazaks. Obesity: A Reference Handbook. Santa Barbara, Calif: ABC-CLIO, 2009. Print.Weiting, Michael. “Cause and effect in childhood obesity: solutions for a national epidemic.” J Am Osteopath Association, 108.0 (2008), pp. 545-552.

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